Monster Test | Final Test - Easy

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Monster Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Moore say she was not working the day Bobo came to see her?
(a) She had been laid off.
(b) She was using a vacation day.
(c) She had hurt her ankle.
(d) She had quit her job.

2. What does Steve think his mother is doing when she visits him on Sunday, July 12th?
(a) Mourning him like he is dead.
(b) Crying about his guilt.
(c) Planning for his release.
(d) Planning for his escape.

3. How much does Detective Williams estimate Mr. Nesbitt weighed?
(a) 250 pounds.
(b) 200 pounds.
(c) 150 pounds.
(d) 300 pounds.

4. What do the prisoners have for breakfast on Sunday, July 12th?
(a) Potatoes.
(b) Corned beef hash.
(c) All answers are correct.
(d) Scrambled eggs.

5. What card game does Steve play in his cell after church on Sunday, July 12th?
(a) Bid whist.
(b) Poker.
(c) Hearts.
(d) Blackjack.

6. Who does Steve attempt to hug when he hears his verdict?
(a) O'Brien.
(b) King.
(c) His father.
(d) His mother.

7. How does Steve describe the look on his mother's face during the judge's instructions to the jury Friday Afternoon, July 17?
(a) Elation.
(b) Terror.
(c) Desperation.
(d) Joy.

8. What, according to Bobo, is a "heavy and a half"?
(a) Twenty five years to life.
(b) Life without parole.
(c) Seven and a half to ten years.
(d) Life with parole.

9. How is King's verdict communicated to the reader?
(a) Through a close-up shot of the foreman.
(b) Guards handcuff him.
(c) With a voice over.
(d) With a newspaper headline.

10. What, according to Bobo, is a "chrome"?
(a) A money clip.
(b) A search engine.
(c) A gun.
(d) A flashlight.

11. What happens during the church service on Sunday, July 12th?
(a) A minister is killed.
(b) A prisoner escapes.
(c) A fight breaks out.
(d) Steve is beaten.

12. What does Steve's mother do when the verdict is read?
(a) She lifts up her hands and closes her eyes.
(b) She cries.
(c) She yells.
(d) She slams her fist on the table.

13. Why is Jerry not in the visitor's room?
(a) He is not allowed.
(b) He escaped.
(c) He does not visit.
(d) He had to go to church.

14. The witness, Nipping, stipulates that Bobo uses predominately which hand?
(a) Both--he is ambidextrous.
(b) His right.
(c) His left.
(d) Neither--Nipping does not answer.

15. Which lawyer requests a sidebar when Bobo enters the courtroom to testify?
(a) None of the above.
(b) Briggs.
(c) Petrocelli.
(d) O'Brien.

Short Answer Questions

1. Steve describes his fear of getting raped or beaten as what kind of object?

2. What game do the guys in Steve's cell play on Saturday, July 11?

3. How is Steve's verdict communicated visually to the reader?

4. What is the mood of Steve's parents when they come to visit him on Sunday, July 12th?

5. What is the first name of the witness whose last name is Moore?

(see the answer keys)

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