Monster Test | Final Test - Easy

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Monster Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What time do visiting hours start on Sundays?
(a) 1 P.M.
(b) 10 A.M.
(c) 9 A.M.
(d) 4 P.M.

2. On Tuesday, July 14, after Bobo's testimony, Steve says he can understand what about the prison guards?
(a) Why they make such awful food.
(b) Why they take away your shoelaces and belts.
(c) Why they want to get better jobs.
(d) Why they make prisoners do disgusting chores.

3. On July 17, what kind of decision does Petrocelli say Steve has made?
(a) An immoral one.
(b) An ethical one.
(c) A moral one.
(d) A bad one.

4. What is the profession of the first witness Petrocelli calls on Monday, July 13th?
(a) Thug.
(b) Criminal.
(c) Schoolteacher.
(d) Librarian.

5. What does O'Brien ask Steve to write down on Tuesday, July 14?
(a) The names of people he would like to apologize to.
(b) The names of people who have wronged him.
(c) The names of people whom he would like to never see again.
(d) The names of the people whom he loves, who love him and whom he admires.

6. What, according to Bobo, is a "heavy and a half"?
(a) Twenty five years to life.
(b) Life with parole.
(c) Life without parole.
(d) Seven and a half to ten years.

7. What is the woman holding in the image reproduced in the Sunday, July 12th section of this book?
(a) A photograph.
(b) A pen.
(c) A gun.
(d) A camera.

8. What happened to the object Bobo gave Moore the day he came to visit her?
(a) Moore gave it to a cousin.
(b) It was confiscated by police.
(c) Bobo took it back.
(d) It broke.

9. What does O'Brien tell Steve about Bobo's testimony the day after Bobo testified?
(a) It exonerated Steve.
(b) It made the jury doubt the prosecution.
(c) None of these answers are correct.
(d) It hurt their case.

10. How many guys go to the church service on Sunday, July 12th?
(a) Twenty five.
(b) Two hundred.
(c) Nine.
(d) Ten.

11. In which prison or jail is Bobo serving time?
(a) Grenington.
(b) Green Pastures.
(c) Greenwich.
(d) Greenhaven.

12. What is the verdict in Sunset's trial?
(a) Unknown.
(b) Guilty.
(c) Not Guilty.
(d) Mistrial.

13. What does "doing a calendar" in prison mean?
(a) Serving a full year.
(b) Making hash marks on the wall.
(c) Setting up a cleaning schedule.
(d) Getting your dates served tattooed on your arm.

14. What is the first name of the witness whose last name is Moore?
(a) Dorothy.
(b) Dotty.
(c) Debbie.
(d) Doro.

15. What does O'Brien say she has to find a way to do in the eyes of the jury, now that Bobo has testified?
(a) Separate Steve from herself.
(b) Separate Bobo from King.
(c) Separate Steve from King.
(d) Separate Steve from Bobo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Steve's reaction to mopping the floor?

2. Who does Steve attempt to hug when he hears his verdict?

3. What is Bobo wearing when he comes into the courtroom to testify?

4. What does O'Brien say she will do over the weekend of Saturday, July 11?

5. How is King's verdict communicated to the reader?

(see the answer keys)

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