Monkey Test | Final Test - Easy

Wu Cheng'en
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monkey Test | Final Test - Easy

Wu Cheng'en
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Monkey and the others free before they leave Cart Slow?
(a) The Buddhist priests.
(b) The wizards.
(c) The Monkeys.
(d) The mortals.

2. Where does Monkey find Kuan-yin?
(a) In her house.
(b) In her orchard.
(c) In her shed.
(d) In her garden.

3. What is Monkey's new title?
(a) Monkey is called Buddha Victorious in Strife.
(b) Golden Bodied Arhat.
(c) Buddha of precocious Merit.
(d) Cleanser of the Altar.

4. Who does the King ask Tripitaka to help him defeat?
(a) Buddha.
(b) The magician.
(c) Pigsy.
(d) The Dragon King.

5. Who do Pigsy and Monkey wait for?
(a) A monster.
(b) An ogre.
(c) Triptaker.
(d) Sandy.

6. Who challenges Monkey and the others when they reach Cart Slow?
(a) The three wizards.
(b) The three immortals.
(c) The Buddhist priests.
(d) The Dragon Slayer.

7. Where does the monster go back to?
(a) His cave.
(b) His mountain top.
(c) His castle.
(d) His mansion.

8. What has the village been saved from when the travelers reach the shore?
(a) Demon Havoc.
(b) Monkey.
(c) The monster.
(d) War.

9. What do the villagers invite the travelers to?
(a) A meeting.
(b) A sing song.
(c) A meal.
(d) A dance.

10. What takes the travelers across the lake?
(a) A whale.
(b) A turtle.
(c) A ferry.
(d) A raft.

11. Where does the perch say the monster can grab Tripitaka?
(a) In the snow drift.
(b) Through the ice.
(c) On the clifftop.
(d) In the cave.

12. What is inside the basket when Kuan-yin pulls it up?
(a) Fish.
(b) Rocks.
(c) Tripitaka.
(d) Weeds.

13. Why did the fish escape Kuan-yin's pond?
(a) It was too dirty.
(b) It was lonely.
(c) There was a flood.
(d) The bigger fish tried to eat him.

14. What causes Monkey great pain?
(a) The magician's wand.
(b) Pigsy's sword.
(c) His magic hairs.
(d) His magic hat and coat.

15. What do the travelers realize has happened to them?
(a) They have been illuminated.
(b) They have been tricked.
(c) They have reached the zenith.
(d) They have found themselves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the weather like when the travelers wake up?

2. What is Tripitaka's new title?

3. Who does Tripitaka have a dream about?

4. Who rules Cart Slow?

5. Where is the fish from?

(see the answer keys)

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