Molloy: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Molloy: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What would Molloy be taking the place of, if he stayed long with Lousse?
(a) A child.
(b) A husband.
(c) A lover.
(d) A dog.

2. Which way does Molloy say A was going, after he met C?
(a) Toward the sea.
(b) Into the forest.
(c) Away from town.
(d) Toward town.

3. Who does Molloy say he thought might be one and the same person?
(a) Edith and Lousse.
(b) Lousse and his mother.
(c) Edith and his mother.
(d) The policeman and his father.

4. How does Molloy characterize his health in the time he was with Lousse?
(a) It did not decline.
(b) It got worse.
(c) Old problems resolved but new ones began.
(d) It got better.

5. Why was Molloy not free to stay in the forest?
(a) He could not see far enough there.
(b) He needed his papers at home.
(c) He could not find shelter there.
(d) He would be going against an imperative.

6. What does Molloy say he wants to finish?
(a) Dying.
(b) Caring for his mother.
(c) Walking.
(d) Caring for himself.

7. Where does Molloy tell the police he is going?
(a) To his mother.
(b) To the sea.
(c) Home.
(d) To the forest.

8. When Molloy asked for his clothes, what did the valet tell him at first?
(a) He would have them right back.
(b) They were in the cleaners.
(c) They were being burned.
(d) They were in his room.

9. What smell does Molloy say he associates with Lousse?
(a) Lavender.
(b) Sea air.
(c) Peonies.
(d) Lilacs.

10. What does Molloy say C was looking around for?
(a) Molloy.
(b) A.
(c) Landmarks.
(d) His mother.

11. What does Molloy say he was afraid of, that caused him to answer the police’s questions blindly?
(a) Being killed.
(b) Being sent home.
(c) Being beaten.
(d) Being kept from his mother.

12. How does Molloy say a man inevitably travels in the forest?
(a) In a straight line.
(b) In a circle.
(c) In a polygon.
(d) In a repetition of time.

13. Which direction did Molloy set off in, from the alley?
(a) East.
(b) North.
(c) West.
(d) South.

14. What does Molloy say he was reduced to, by the policeman’s questions?
(a) Confabulation.
(b) Panic.
(c) Tediousness.
(d) Contentiousness.

15. What does Molloy say is “not an easy matter” (24)?
(a) Finding his way in the dark.
(b) Learning his mother’s address.
(c) Applying the letter of the law to someone like him.
(d) Answering policemen’s questions.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which direction does Molloy say he had to go, from the seashore, to visit his mother?

2. What does Molloy say his mother smelled like?

3. How does Molloy characterize the son he might have had, who would come to visit him?

4. What does Molloy say he heard the voice of in his room at Lousse’s house?

5. Molloy says that he listened to Lousse for a long time—What does Molloy say was left at the end of his listening?

(see the answer keys)

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