Moll Flanders Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moll Flanders Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When a woman friend of Moll's wants her to meet her brother, what does the man want?
(a) a mistress.
(b) her money.
(c) a maid.
(d) a nanny for his children.

2. What causes Moll to become audacious in her thievery?
(a) desperation over lack of money.
(b) doing it a long time without being caught.
(c) the need to be the best at what she does.
(d) gaining a reputation among criminals.

3. How does the banker say his wife is a whore?
(a) as a victim of incest.
(b) not by necessity but by inclination.
(c) as a madwoman obsessed with sex.
(d) as mentally uncapable of resisting.

4. How much does Mrs. B say Moll's lying in will cost?
(a) £10.
(b) £3.5s.
(c) £50.3s.
(d) £5.3s.

5. What happens to save Moll?
(a) she manages a great escape from Newgate.
(b) she agrees to go to France and never return to England.
(c) she buys her way out of prison.
(d) she is sentenced to being transported instead of death.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long is Moll married to the banker before he dies?

2. What does Moll manage to get from an ale house?

3. What does the banker say about himself and his wife?

4. What does Moll say allowed the devil to push her into crime?

5. What happens to the governess to reduce her fortune?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Moll meet the next man she becomes involved with when she is forty-two-years old?

2. Why does Moll not make a play for the banker?

3. What kind of reputation does Moll earn from the underground, criminal community?

4. What happens to the child after it is born?

5. How does Moll eventually project her guilt onto someone else?

6. In Newgate, who is the leader of a rebel gang brought in for trial?

7. How is the governess able to set Moll up with the baronet after she robbed him in the carriage?

8. Why is Moll so popular up north?

9. How does Moll's marriage to the banker come to an end?

10. What is Moll's concern about having the baby in the rooming house where she is staying?

(see the answer keys)

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