Moll Flanders Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moll Flanders Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long is Moll married to the banker before he dies?
(a) one year.
(b) eighteen weeks.
(c) six months.
(d) five years.

2. Why does Moll not allow the maid Mrs. B sends to stay overnight?
(a) she fears she will hear her talk in her sleep.
(b) she fears she is a thief.
(c) she fears she will be murdered in her sleep.
(d) she thinks the girl is adled.

3. What is Moll's initial reaction to her new life of crime?
(a) fear of God.
(b) fear of getting hooked on crime.
(c) fear of her governess.
(d) fear of Newgate.

4. What does Moll say about her delivery?
(a) she learns she has twin girls.
(b) the baby is still born.
(c) it was expert and better than a mother's help.
(d) it nearly kills her.

5. What happens when Moll's husband learns she is poor?
(a) he deserts her.
(b) he laughs and says it is no important.
(c) he gives her £1500.
(d) he beats her.

6. Before they depart for Ireland, what does Moll's new husband ask her?
(a) if she wants a large family.
(b) if she has brought any money with her.
(c) if she will wait for him in West chester.
(d) if she has affairs to finish in London.

7. What reception does Moll get from the inmates at Newgate?
(a) they gloated over her capture.
(b) they all wanted to meet her.
(c) they sympathized with her.
(d) they ignored her.

8. What causes Moll to become audacious in her thievery?
(a) doing it a long time without being caught.
(b) desperation over lack of money.
(c) the need to be the best at what she does.
(d) gaining a reputation among criminals.

9. Who does Moll meet to help her with her money?
(a) a solicitor.
(b) a banker.
(c) a merchant.
(d) a doctor.

10. What privilege do Moll and her husband get while anchored at Ireland?
(a) sending letters to friends in England.
(b) going ashore to buy provisions.
(c) dining with the captain.
(d) staying on deck.

11. After her Bath lover deserts her, what does Moll have?
(a) bills in excess of £450.
(b) her apartment for one more month.
(c) a sick baby and no money.
(d) above £450 and her possessions.

12. Who does Moll get to visit in Newgate?
(a) an accused assassin.
(b) her son Jemmy.
(c) her old partner in crime.
(d) her Lancashire husband.

13. What happens to Mill in the silversmith's shop?
(a) she takes a handful of plate just as the owner enters.
(b) a man sees her enter and comes to accuse her of theft.
(c) she puts some spoons in her pocket and they fall to the floor.
(d) she resists taking anything for fear of getting caught.

14. Who does the governess introduce Moll to who can help her learn the art of thieving?
(a) a magician.
(b) a schoolmistress.
(c) a professional pickpocket.
(d) a house robber.

15. What does Moll say is worse than being in want?
(a) being old.
(b) being in prison.
(c) being helpless.
(d) being friendless.

Short Answer Questions

1. When a woman friend of Moll's wants her to meet her brother, what does the man want?

2. What is the governess turned pawnbroker actually doing?

3. How does Moll steal two rings she sees through a house window?

4. What is wrong with Moll's prayers?

5. What happens to save Moll?

(see the answer keys)

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