Moll Flanders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moll Flanders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Moll tell her suitor that he does not apparently believe?
(a) that she is poor.
(b) that she is married already.
(c) that she has six children.
(d) that she demands a diamond ring.

2. Moving in with a friend, what does Moll come to be called?
(a) pretty widow.
(b) pretty spinster.
(c) pretty whore.
(d) pretty pickpocket.

3. How does Moll propose to make her own living?
(a) by dancing and singing.
(b) by begging on the streets.
(c) by selling violets.
(d) by sewing and spinning.

4. What does the narrator say about Moll's being penitent?
(a) she does not know the meaning of the word.
(b) she never thinks she has done wrong.
(c) she is heartily sorry for her sins.
(d) she pretends to be.

5. Why does she use the name of Moll Flanders?
(a) she likes the sound of it.
(b) her nurse gave the name to her.
(c) she read it in a newspaper.
(d) most people know that alias.

6. When does Moll realize the older brother only wants her as a mistress?
(a) when he gives her £1000 to leave town..
(b) when he tells her he is engaged to another lady.
(c) when he gives her 100 guineas and a promise for that much each year.
(d) when he stops talking about love and marriage.

7. What alteration does the narrator say has been made to the story?
(a) more historical references.
(b) more graphic detail.
(c) more stress on the law.
(d) more modest words.

8. What does the sister tell her older brother about having money but not great beauty when looking for a husband?
(a) with money she can buy beauty.
(b) her money is invested well.
(c) the first will do without the last.
(d) a beautiful girl cannot buy money.

9. What can Moll not consider doing?
(a) running away from both brothers.
(b) marry a man she does not love.
(c) marry one brother and be the mistress of the other.
(d) marry for money.

10. What has Moll heard about the gentleman she is considering marriage to?
(a) that he has a plantation in Virginia.
(b) that he owns a mill in Ireland.
(c) that he is wanted by the police.
(d) that he buys and sells slaves.

11. What does Moll suspect about her landlady and the gentleman?
(a) that the landlady is being bribed by the gentleman.
(b) that the landlady does not know what is going on.
(c) that the landlady and he are having an affair.
(d) that the landlady is encouraging him to notice Moll.

12. What spared Moll's mother's life when she was condemned to die?
(a) she escaped and fled to virginia.
(b) she became the mistress of the warden.
(c) she turned state's evidence.
(d) she was pregnant with Moll.

13. What happens when Betty Flanders goes to live with another widow?
(a) the widow finds a rich man and marries.
(b) she meets all kinds of rich, available men.
(c) the widow turns her in to the police.
(d) the widwo dies and leaves her house to Mrs. Flanders.

14. Why does the mistress come to talk with Moll while she sews a shirt?
(a) because she has a new family for Moll.
(b) because she has bad news.
(c) because she is always crying.
(d) because she is not doing a good job.

15. What does the narrator insist is the value of the story?
(a) that it opens up a new kind of literature.
(b) that it will put the reader to sleep.
(c) that something just or religious may be learned.
(d) that it will teach child rearing to new parents.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Moll's resolution breaks and she gives him permission to make love to her, how does she classify herself?

2. What is Moll's first recollection?

3. What does Mrs. Mayoress call Moll that she thinks is a bad name?

4. What type of instruction does the narrator say is included in the story?

5. Who is assumed to be the narrator of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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