Moll Flanders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moll Flanders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Moll say she and the older brother behaved in the house of an acquaintance when they were alone?
(a) as proper as church ladies.
(b) as nervous as cats.
(c) as brave as soldiers.
(d) as wicked as they pleased.

2. How does the landlady get the gentleman to offer money to Moll?
(a) by asking him for money to give to Moll.
(b) by telling a lie about her lost shpment.
(c) by raising his rent at her house.
(d) by saying that Moll doubts that he has money.

3. How does Moll get one last £50 from her brother/husband in Virginia?
(a) telling him she will go to Ireland.
(b) telling him it will keep her quiet.
(c) agreeing to sign a release.
(d) telling him the baby is ill.

4. What does the narrator say results from any wicked action in the book?
(a) a means to get away.
(b) a lesson for the readers.
(c) an unhappy end.
(d) an argument for clean living.

5. How do Moll and the young woman next door get even with the young captain?
(a) by destroying his reputation.
(b) by sinking his ship.
(c) by picketing his house.
(d) by fooling him into marrying a shrew.

6. To what does the narrator compare his novel?
(a) to school lessons.
(b) to plays written for the stage.
(c) to narrative poems.
(d) to religious pamphlets.

7. Moving in with a friend, what does Moll come to be called?
(a) pretty widow.
(b) pretty spinster.
(c) pretty pickpocket.
(d) pretty whore.

8. What happens to the gentleman at Bath?
(a) he is arrested for theft.
(b) he is visited by his wife.
(c) he leaves in the middle of the night.
(d) he becomes ill.

9. What causes Moll not to go to the older brother's wedding?
(a) she is not invited to the wedding.
(b) seeing another woman marry the man she loves.
(c) she has to look after her ten children.
(d) she is eight months pregnant.

10. What does the narrator admit about the text?
(a) that it is just as written in a diary.
(b) that it is difficult to follow.
(c) that it is totally fiction.
(d) that it has been put into new words.

11. What does Moll receive at the second home where she is kept?
(a) fire new garments.
(b) hard labor.
(c) £100 a month.
(d) education.

12. Why does the narrator say that the ugly and wicked part of a person's life must be presented?
(a) to show the reasons penitence is needed.
(b) to show the beauty of penitence may be appreciated.
(c) to warn people about living such a life.
(d) to make the story more interesting to readers.

13. How old is Moll when she is taken in by a kind woman?
(a) not above three-years-old.
(b) just turning twelve.
(c) just a baby.
(d) only one year old.

14. What happens with the younger brother?
(a) he spies of Betty when she leaves the house.
(b) he wants Betty for a mistress.
(c) he falls truly in love with Mrs. Betty.
(d) he blackmails Mrs. Betty and his brother.

15. Where is Moll born?
(a) in prison.
(b) in her grandmother's house.
(c) in a hospital.
(d) in a barn.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Moll meet at Bath?

2. What does Moll help the young woman next door do?

3. Who is assumed to be the narrator of the story?

4. What does Moll finally find?

5. Why does Mrs. Mayoress say Moll may become a gentlewoman for all they know?

(see the answer keys)

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