Moccasin Trail Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moccasin Trail Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jonnie's attitude change after seeing Jim's scars?
(a) He beleives it might be best if Jim goes back to the Indians.
(b) He begins to feel sorry for Jim.
(c) He begins to have more respect for Jim's beleifs about land.
(d) He begins to understand Jim's empathy toward the Indians.

2. What are the Indians doing when they "call out" the children?
(a) Playing a game in which children are challenged to follow an older person.
(b) Teaching children to trail animals in hunting.
(c) Playing a game in which children and elders throw objects at each other.
(d) Teaching the children to lead others in the tribe.

3. What does Jonnie want Jim to do?
(a) Leave the family and go back to the Indians.
(b) Educate Daniel in the ways of the Indians.
(c) Become fully integrated into the family, leaving his Indian ways behind.
(d) Stay in the family while retaining his Indian identity.

4. What convinces Jim he should stay with his family?
(a) He realizes he wants to stay to become the deputy sheriff.
(b) He realizes Jonnie needs his help building the homestead.
(c) He realizes he can't leave Daniel to sort through his emotions alone.
(d) He realizes he no longer feels any loyalty to his Indian family.

5. What does Jonnie believe about Jim?
(a) He will kidnap Daniel.
(b) He will eventually fit in with the family.
(c) He will eventually want to build his own farm.
(d) He will probably never fit in with the family.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the men convince Jim that fighting the Indians is not the best way to retrieve the cattle?

2. When Jim steals the horse, what does he plan to do with it?

3. What does Daniel intend to do when he runs away?

4. What does Jim feel when the cabin is finished?

5. What is Jim's "medicine song"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Jim and Joe Meek rescue Daniel?

2. Why does Jim have Daniel follow him into cold water?

3. What does Jonnie do when Jim starts shirking his chores in chapter 10?

4. How does Jim change after returning the horse?

5. How does Jim trick Daniel into teaching him how to write his name?

6. What does Mr. Rutledge mean when he says Jim is struggling to find himself?

7. Why is Daniel unhappy with Jim in chapter fifteen?

8. How has Sally's attitude changed towards Jim since she first reunited with him?

9. Explain Daniel's relationship with Jim throughout the book, and some of its consequences.

10. How do Jim and the men disagree about the way to retrieve the cattle?

(see the answer keys)

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