Missing May Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Missing May Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ob usually drink first thing in the morning?
(a) Coke.
(b) Tea.
(c) Cocoa.
(d) Coffee.

2. How many TV dinners did Summer cook for Cletus and Ob on Christmas Day?
(a) 5.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.

3. What is the name of the grocery store where May and Ob shopped?
(a) Manson's.
(b) Phillips'.
(c) Ellet's.
(d) Sanders'.

4. What are Ob and Summer using to make bird feeders when Ob believes that May returns?
(a) Popsicle sticks.
(b) Half of an orange.
(c) Orange juice cartons.
(d) Milk jugs.

5. Where did Summer live before she moved to stay with Ob and May?
(a) Ohio.
(b) Illinois.
(c) Missouri.
(d) Indiana.

6. What day of the week does Ob believe that May returns?
(a) Wednesday.
(b) Sunday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Monday.

7. What is the name of the school where Cletus and Summer go to school?
(a) Fayette Junior High.
(b) Mountain Top Junior High.
(c) Raleigh Junior High.
(d) Deep Water Junior High.

8. When Summer first came to live with Ob and May, what type of cookies did May have in the cabinets?
(a) Vanilla wafers.
(b) Chocolate chip.
(c) Oreos.
(d) Thin mints.

9. What word does Cletus use to describe the photo he shows Summer at the beginning of Chapter 4?
(a) Realistic.
(b) Abstract.
(c) Impressionistic.
(d) Surreal.

10. What cover the earflaps on Cletus' hat?
(a) Fake fur.
(b) Corduroy.
(c) Plastic.
(d) Denim.

11. What was the subject of a puzzle that Cletus brought at Christmastime?
(a) Great Pyramids.
(b) Sphinx.
(c) Eiffel Tower.
(d) Leaning Tower of Pisa.

12. How long has Summer lived with Ob and May?
(a) 8 years.
(b) 5 years.
(c) 7 years.
(d) 6 years.

13. How old was Cletus when he died and came back to life?
(a) 5.
(b) 7.
(c) 6.
(d) 8.

14. What type of chips did May have in her cabinets the first day that Summer was at May's home?
(a) Pringles.
(b) Lays.
(c) Ruffles.
(d) Doritos.

15. What type of deodorant does Summer mention that she thinks Cletus uses?
(a) Ban.
(b) Right Guard.
(c) Old Spice.
(d) Degree.

Short Answer Questions

1. What dance does Ob love?

2. When May stayed up a long time with Summer during an illness, what sickness did Summer have?

3. In Chapter 5, what does Summer realize is one of Cletus' gifts?

4. When Cletus first moved to the area where Summer lives, what did he collect?

5. How many pieces did the puzzle have that Cletus brought Ob at Christmas?

(see the answer keys)

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