Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ann B. Ross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ann B. Ross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Julia Springer's marital status?
(a) Single.
(b) Divorced.
(c) Widow.
(d) Married.

2. Julia surmises that Hazel'a house was ransacked because the men were looking for _______________.
(a) Guns.
(b) something to prove that Hazel was in Wesley Lloyd's will.
(c) A diamond ring.
(d) Rare coins.

3. Who is Sam Murdoch?
(a) Julia's friend.
(b) Julia's accountant.
(c) Julia's brother.
(d) Julia's neighbor.

4. What is the only factor in Julia's life that is different and could be related to the trouble?
(a) Little Lloyd.
(b) Lillian's theft.
(c) Wesley Lloyd's estate taxes.
(d) Julia's new accountant.

5. Why does Julia not feel that she can talk to Pastor Ledbetter about her situation?
(a) He doesn't have any experience in this area.
(b) He in intent on her giving her house up to the church.
(c) He is not very compassionate.
(d) He seems too distracted lately.

Short Answer Questions

1. What secret had Julia's husband kept?

2. What is one reason Julia would like to see Little Lloyd leave?

3. Where had Brother Vern taken Hazel instead of taking her to Raleigh as planned?

4. Why does Lillian advise Julia not to notify authorities about the boy?

5. Who is Julia's boarder?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Julia's response when Lillian tells her about the rumors around town?

2. How does Julia know that the whole town will soon know her business after she has had a visit from LuAnne Conover?

3. Who is Brother Vern and how does Julia encounter him?

4. How recently has Julia Springer been widowed and what is she doing as the novel begins?

5. What advice does Binkie Enloe give to Julia regarding any lawsuits filed?

6. What does Sam advise Julia to do in order to check on Little Lloyd?

7. What do Julia, Detective Bates and Little Lloyd discover when they enter Hazel Puckett's house?

8. What startles Julia about the vehicle Brother Vern is driving and another one driving by her house?

9. What proof does Hazel have of her son's father and why does she leave him with Julia?

10. Why does Julia not know how to deal with any romantic overtures from Sam?

(see the answer keys)

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