The Misanthrope Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 275 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Misanthrope Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 275 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Arsinoe say she does for Celimene when other gossip about her?
(a) She joins in.
(b) She laughs.
(c) She defends her.
(d) She does nothing.

2. What does Celimene say is OK to do when you are young?
(a) Flirt.
(b) Fight.
(c) Gossip.
(d) Have many suitors.

3. At the end of Act Five, Scene Two, who asks for Celimene's help?
(a) Oronte.
(b) Eliante.
(c) Arsinoe.
(d) Alceste.

4. What does Alceste wish, concerning Oronte's sonnet?
(a) That he likes it.
(b) That Oronte does not read it aloud.
(c) That it is not about Celimene.
(d) That it is longer.

5. If Celimene does not answer, what does Alceste tell her he will do?
(a) Cry.
(b) Beg.
(c) Leave.
(d) Understand.

6. The men who confront Célimène in Act 5, Scene 2 say what to her?
(a) That she must stop gossiping if they will continue to love her.
(b) That if she truly loves one of them, the other will back down.
(c) That she must turn herself into court.
(d) That her attitude toward Éliante needs to change.

7. What does Celimene do when confronted with a letter?
(a) Covers up her actions.
(b) Admits he wrong doings.
(c) Does nothing.
(d) Says it is a fake.

8. Dubois is so flustered, he can barely do what in Act 4, Scene 4?
(a) Clean the house.
(b) Tell his story.
(c) Walk into the house.
(d) Write a letter.

9. What do the men do when Celimene proclaims her love to one of them?
(a) They fight for her love.
(b) The other does not interfere.
(c) The one not chosen leaves forever.
(d) The one not choses marries her cousin.

10. While talking with Celimene, what does Alceste decide to do?
(a) Marry someone else.
(b) Never leave her.
(c) Believe her lies.
(d) Forgive her.

11. After telling Alceste the news, what item does Dubois realize he has forgotten to bring to Alceste?
(a) The note.
(b) The flowers.
(c) His luggage.
(d) His jacket.

12. In the beginning of Act 4, Scene 4, what news does Dubois give to Alceste?
(a) Alceste must marry Eliante.
(b) Dubois must leave town.
(c) Celimene does not love Alceste.
(d) Alceste must pack and leave town.

13. When it opens, how is Act 5, Scene 1, similar to the play's original opening scene?
(a) Celimene is out shopping.
(b) Alceste and Philinte are arguing.
(c) Alceste and Philinte are waiting for Celimene.
(d) Eliante is with Celimene.

14. Who is the only one still interested in Celimene, even after this second letter?
(a) Alceste.
(b) Oronte.
(c) Philinte.
(d) Clitandre.

15. What does Celimene think is unfair?
(a) Choosing.
(b) Telling a lie.
(c) Letting someone down.
(d) Bearing her heart in public.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gives Acaste and Clitandre another letter from Celimene?

2. Célimène wants help from whom at the end of Act 5, Scene 2?

3. Now that Alceste has seen proof that Celimene has been unfaithful, what does he want Eliante to do?

4. Célimène is speaking the truth in Act 4, Scene 3, but is doing so in what way?

5. What does Alceste and Oronte demand Celimene do in Act Five, Scene Three?

(see the answer keys)

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