Miguel Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miguel Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Elias do after his mother's death?
(a) He becomes a hermit.
(b) He drops out of the author's circle of friends.
(c) He becomes very ill.
(d) He disappears on a ship.

2. What does Sergeant Charles arrest Bogart for?
(a) Drunkeness.
(b) Being a public nuisance.
(c) Bigamy.
(d) Stealing.

3. What happens to Bogart in South America?
(a) He gets a tropical disease.
(b) He falls in love.
(c) He gets a venereal disease.
(d) He is arrested and escapes.

4. What does George do when his second wife leaves him?
(a) He starts a brothel.
(b) He becomes a drunk.
(c) He isolates himself from everyone on the street.
(d) He becomes very depressed.

5. What do the men play in Bogart's room when he's in to British Guiana?
(a) Poker.
(b) Bridge.
(c) Wappee.
(d) Gin Rummy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the exam given at Hoyt's school qualify the person who passes it to become?

2. When Elias can't pass the exam for his license, what does he become?

3. What does Bogart buy?

4. In what time in history does the novel take place?

5. What is surprising about how the people of Miguel Street regard other inhabitants in the street?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Man-man and the tricks he plays on people.

2. What does Popo do after he beats up his wife's lover and then what happens to him?

3. What does George begin to do after his wife's death, who does he marry next and what happens to them?

4. What does the author talk to Man-Man about, and what is the particular characteristic of Man-man's speech?

5. What does Man-man declare about himself and what happens then?

6. What do the author and B. Wordsworth do together and what does B. Wordsworth tell the author about the poem he wants to write?

7. What makes Popo change from a nice, hard-working , happy man to a heavy drinker and what makes him travel to Arima?

8. Give a short description of Bogart, how he interacts with his friends, and what he does for a living.

9. What happens to B. Wordsworth and his poem?

10. How long is Bogart gone the second time he disappears and how does he change?

(see the answer keys)

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