Miguel Street Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miguel Street Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Bhakcu do in the evenings?
(a) Argues with Mrs. Morgan.
(b) Reads the Ramayana lying on his belly.
(c) Sings calypso songs to his wife.
(d) Sleeps soundly and doesn't do anything.

2. What is Titus Hoyt wearing when the author first meets him?
(a) White shorts and a white shirt.
(b) Blue slacks and a white shirt.
(c) Tan shorts and a tan shirt.
(d) Jeans and a red shirt.

3. How much does Hat pay out after Big Foot's big fight?
(a) A hundred dollars.
(b) Two hundred dollars.
(c) Fifty dollars.
(d) Twenty dollars.

4. What is the name of Morgan's eldest son?
(a) Andrew.
(b) John.
(c) Chris.
(d) Malcolm.

5. Why is everyone on Miguel Street so afraid of Big Foot?
(a) He's so big and black.
(b) He's so silent and dangerous-looking.
(c) He's not afraid of anything.
(d) He killed a man.

6. What is the name of the woman who is seen hurrying from Morgan's house one night?
(a) Lucy White.
(b) Mary Chambers.
(c) Maria Alcott.
(d) Teresa Blake.

7. What bet does the author place on Big Foot's big fight?
(a) Twenty cents that Big Foot would lose.
(b) Ten dollars that Big Foot would win.
(c) Six cents that Big Foot would lose.
(d) Ten cents that Big Foot would win.

8. What had Hat's mother told him when he was little?
(a) "Boy, never laugh at people ,they no like you."
(b) "Boy, you laughing all day, I bet you you go cry tonight."
(c) Boy, you look like little bird, people will laugh at you."
(d) Boy, be good brother to Edward."

9. What is Laura's personality like?
(a) Vivacious and gay.
(b) Sad and sorrowful.
(c) Shy and introverted.
(d) Funny and superficial.

10. What does Eddoes win every year?
(a) An award for the cleanest scavenging cart.
(b) An award for being the best-dressed man.
(c) An award for being the best business man.
(d) An award for being the most popular man.

11. What does Mrs. Bhakcu look like?
(a) Five feet three inches high with a small waist.
(b) Four feet high and three feet wide.
(c) Five feet high and two two and a half feet wife.
(d) Four feet six inches high with a large waist.

12. What does Morgan do when he's having a fit of craziness?
(a) He laughs crazily and shouts at Hat.
(b) He beats on his iron fence and shouts at Bhakcu.
(c) He rages at his wife and beats her.
(d) He weeps and bemoans his fate.

13. What is the most the author makes being involved in Hat's racket?
(a) Twelve cents.
(b) Ten cents.
(c) Five cents.
(d) A quarter.

14. What does Big Foot do in the cinema one day?
(a) He puts his hands around Hat's throat.
(b) He screams at the top of his lungs.
(c) He throws his popcorn into the air.
(d) He sticks a knife in the back of the seat of the author's chair.

15. What does Titus Hoyt ask the author to do?
(a) Write a poem.
(b) Write to the Mayor of Port of Spain.
(c) Learn Latin.
(d) Write to the Editor of the Trinidad Guardian.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Big Foot's mother treat him?

2. What is Morgan always thinking about?

3. What is the heading on the paper Chris, Morgan's fourth son, shows the author?

4. What does Boyee compare Laura's face to?

5. What happened to Big Foot's father when Big Foot was still a boy?

(see the answer keys)

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