Miguel Street Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miguel Street Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many children had Morgan's father had?
(a) Nine.
(b) Seven.
(c) Six.
(d) Eight.

2. What does Titus Hoyt teach himself?
(a) Mathematics.
(b) Greek.
(c) French.
(d) Latin.

3. When did the author meet Titus Hoyt?
(a) Four months after the war started.
(b) A year after the war started.
(c) When he was a little boy.
(d) A year or two before the war after his father died.

4. What does Hat say that he learned from his mother?
(a) "When a man gets something he wants badly, he doesn't like it."
(b) "When a man loses something, it's a blessing."
(c) "Life is strange, but nice."
(d) "When man really want something , he get it."

5. What does Hat have the kids beg for from the Americans?
(a) Money.
(b) food.
(c) Chewing gum and chocolate.
(d) Comic books.

6. What does Boyee compare Laura's face to?
(a) A motor-car battery.
(b) A pancake.
(c) A pig's face.
(d) A pumpkin.

7. What does Eddoes win every year?
(a) An award for being the most popular man.
(b) An award for the cleanest scavenging cart.
(c) An award for being the best-dressed man.
(d) An award for being the best business man.

8. What happens to Big Foot when he and the author go to the sea-wall at Dockside?
(a) He tells the author about his childhood.
(b) He cuts his foot badly.
(c) He goes swimming.
(d) He and the author finally become good friends.

9. What does Morgan start doing about two or three times a week?
(a) He makes jokes.
(b) He weeps.
(c) He explodes his fireworks.
(d) He challenges Bhakcu to fight.

10. What is the most the author makes being involved in Hat's racket?
(a) Twelve cents.
(b) Ten cents.
(c) Five cents.
(d) A quarter.

11. What is the name of Eddoes' baby?
(a) Pleasure.
(b) Beauty.
(c) Star.
(d) Delight.

12. What is the heading on the paper Chris, Morgan's fourth son, shows the author?
(a) Pride and Prejudice.
(b) How to Raise Children.
(c) Crime and Punishment.
(d) How to be a Pyrotechnicist.

13. Why is everyone on Miguel Street so afraid of Big Foot?
(a) He's so silent and dangerous-looking.
(b) He's so big and black.
(c) He killed a man.
(d) He's not afraid of anything.

14. What course does Titus Hoyt take for three months.
(a) A language course.
(b) A Red Cross first aid course.
(c) A course in ancient Greek.
(d) A writing course.

15. What is the name of Morgan's eldest son?
(a) Chris.
(b) John.
(c) Malcolm.
(d) Andrew.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the author describe the people of Miguel Street when they contemplate where Morgan went after the fire?

2. What is Morgan always thinking about?

3. What does Mrs. Bhakcu look like?

4. How many children does Morgan have?

5. What person in the crowd at the big fight does the author watch?

(see the answer keys)

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