A Midsummer Night's Dream Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Oberon so hateful towards the Indian child?
(a) He fears it will gain too many powers.
(b) It is taking all of his wife's attention.
(c) He does not approve of changelings.
(d) It is wiser than he is.

2. What is Titania doing at the beginning of Act 3?
(a) Praying.
(b) Crying.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Singing.

3. What does Bottom say when he awakens after his night with Titania?
(a) It was a dream.
(b) He is sad to have it end so soon.
(c) He is angry at Titania for leaving him.
(d) He should be honored.

4. What does Titania continue to offer Bottom while they are together in the woods?
(a) Food and music.
(b) Rest and comfort.
(c) Love.
(d) Water and ointments.

5. Why do Hippolyta and Theseus enter the woods after Titania and Oberon leave?
(a) They are looking for Hermia.
(b) They are on a hunt.
(c) They are trying to elope together.
(d) They are searching for fairies.

6. Which one of the following are not one of the first four characters to enter Act 4, Scene 2?
(a) Quince.
(b) Snout.
(c) Flute.
(d) Bottom.

7. Where does Act 3 begin?
(a) Athens.
(b) Quince's house.
(c) The woods.
(d) Theseus's palace.

8. What does Puck do to Bottom while he is off-stage during his second rehearsal for the mini-play?
(a) Causes him to shout everything he says.
(b) Gives him the head of an ass.
(c) Strikes him blind.
(d) Muffles his language.

9. Who are the characters in Act 4, Scene 2 looking for?
(a) Quince.
(b) Starveling.
(c) Flute.
(d) Bottom.

10. What awakens Titania at the beginning of Act 3?
(a) Puck's laughter.
(b) The morning light.
(c) The chirping of a bird.
(d) Bottom's singing.

11. Who enters Act 3, Scene 2 as Puck and the Fairy King are discussing Titania's new love?
(a) Demetrius and Helena.
(b) Lysander and Helena.
(c) Hermia and Lysander.
(d) Helena and Hermia.

12. Who does Oberon send Puck to find as he places the love juice on Demetrius's eyes?
(a) Lysander.
(b) Helena.
(c) Titania.
(d) Hermia.

13. What do Hermia and Helena insult about each other as they fight in the woods?
(a) Their looks.
(b) Their age.
(c) Their lack of wealth.
(d) Their selfishness.

14. Where is Theseus when he asks for a specific form of entertainment?
(a) In the town square of Athens.
(b) In his house.
(c) In the woods.
(d) At his wedding.

15. How does Theseus wake the four Athenian lovers when he finds them in the woods?
(a) With hunting horns.
(b) With tree branches.
(c) With cold water.
(d) By kicking them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason does Lysander give Hermia for leaving her alone in the woods?

2. What inanimate objects must be performed by men in the mini-play?

3. Why is Bottom so surprised at the reaction he gets from the other actors after Puck has enchanted him?

4. What news is brought to the actors at the end of Act 4?

5. After Bottom has been enchanted by Puck, who chases the other actors?

(see the answer keys)

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