Midaq Alley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Midaq Alley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ibrahim Faraj compares Hamida to what animal?
(a) A panther.
(b) A shrew.
(c) A tigress.
(d) A vixen.

2. Why has Abbas returned to the alley?
(a) He is on holiday.
(b) He has been laid off.
(c) He has returned to his barber shop.
(d) He has returned because he was homesick.

3. How does Hussain Kirsha think Egypt is different from the rest of the world?
(a) Egyptians are wiser than others.
(b) Egyptians are richer than others.
(c) Egyptian history is a treasure for others.
(d) A war for others is good fortune for Egypt.

4. How does Hamida see the choice Ibrahim Faraj offers her?
(a) A dull past or an exciting future.
(b) Solitude or marriage.
(c) Innocence and crime.
(d) Virtue and vice.

5. What does Ibrahim Faraj tell Hamida their life together will be like?
(a) Like well-matched spouses.
(b) Like film stars.
(c) Like royalty.
(d) Like eternal lovers.

6. Why does Zaita insist Dr. Booshy accompany him into the tombs?
(a) Zaita is fearful and needs support.
(b) Dr. Booshy is stronger.
(c) Zaita enjoys torturing Dr. Booshy.
(d) Zaita needs someone to hold the light.

7. What does Mrs. Afify want from Dr. Booshy?
(a) A gold plate to replace her teeth.
(b) Whitening chemicals.
(c) Bridgework for her teeth.
(d) A false tooth.

8. Why does the stranger seem out of place in Midaq Alley?
(a) He is obviously well to do.
(b) He is obviously unacquainted with the residents.
(c) He is obviously investigating something.
(d) He is obviously a foreigner.

9. Who does Salim Alwan trust now that he never did before?
(a) Lawyers.
(b) Doctors.
(c) His family.
(d) His employees.

10. What does the stranger say is the last thing new lovers learn about each other?
(a) Their family connections.
(b) Their religion.
(c) Their names.
(d) Their hobbies.

11. What does Kirsha forbid in the workplace when he returns after his heart attack?
(a) Hashish.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) Tobacco.
(d) Conversation.

12. What does Hussain Kirsha wish he had been?
(a) A combat soldier.
(b) A politician.
(c) A Briton.
(d) A rich man.

13. Why does Salim Alwan deprive his household of good food?
(a) So that they will be strengthened.
(b) So that they will be healthier.
(c) So that they can save money.
(d) So that they have to share the restrictions he has.

14. What pleases Kirsha most about his son's return?
(a) Kirsha's predictions about his son's future are vindicated.
(b) Kirsha is attracted to his daughter-in-law.
(c) Kirsha is attracted to his daughter-in-law's brother.
(d) Kirsha has missed his son.

15. Why does Hussain Kirsha avoid the cafe as he returns home?
(a) He wants to see his father before his mother.
(b) He wants to see his father before the alley people.
(c) He wants to see his mother before his father.
(d) He doesn't want to be seen by anybody.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hamida believe the stranger means when he says, "I'm just the one to take you!"

2. What is the only thing that Hamida misses about her past life?

3. How does Hamida blunder while the stranger is watching her?

4. What does Kirsha want from Hamida after his heart attack?

5. Why is Uncle Kamil unable to vote?

(see the answer keys)

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