Metamorphoses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Metamorphoses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what type of material are Icarus' wings fashioned?
(a) Gold.
(b) Wax.
(c) Lead.
(d) Sand.

2. What type of tree does Jupiter change Daphne into in order to protect her?
(a) A laurel tree.
(b) A hickory tree.
(c) An olive tree.
(d) A magnolia tree.

3. Why do Pyramus and Thisbe decide to run away from their families?
(a) Because Pyramus is rich and Thisbe is poor.
(b) Because Thisbe is dying and Pyramus is the only one that can save her.
(c) Because their fathers do not approve of their relationship.
(d) Because their fathers are both murderers.

4. Where do the furies, including Tisiphone, live?
(a) In the tree branches.
(b) In the water pods.
(c) In the clouds.
(d) In the underworld.

5. When Meleager's mother is faced with the prospect of choosing sides between her son and brothers, who does she decide to kill?
(a) She kills herself so that she won't have to choose sides.
(b) She kills her son.
(c) She kills her brother.
(d) She kills all of them.

6. How does Juno punish the servants living in Athamas and Ino's house?
(a) She transforms them into rats.
(b) She turns them to stone.
(c) She drowns them in a river.
(d) She feeds them to poisonous snakes.

7. After visiting a man named Lycaon, what disastrous event does Jupiter create to wipe out humanity?
(a) A fire.
(b) A monsoon.
(c) A tornado.
(d) A flood.

8. What does Jupiter transform Io into in the attempts to quench his wife's suspicion?
(a) A rat.
(b) A swan.
(c) A cow.
(d) A flower.

9. How does Philomena get messages to Pronce after her tongue has been removed?
(a) Through eye blinking.
(b) Through woven tapestries.
(c) Through written letters.
(d) Through smoke signals.

10. What part of her father's body does Scylla present to Minos in an act of love?
(a) His spine.
(b) His heart.
(c) His eyes.
(d) His scalp.

11. What does Phaeton request from his father to prove the validity of their relationship?
(a) To flower his earth.
(b) To light his sky.
(c) To hold his lightning rod.
(d) To ride in his chariot.

12. How does Pyramus kill himself?
(a) He tears his own heart in two.
(b) He drowns himself in the sea.
(c) He stabs himself with a sword.
(d) He drinks a vile of poison.

13. On what animal does Medea practice her youth-building spell?
(a) Horses.
(b) Goats.
(c) Cows.
(d) Sheep.

14. How many children does Niobe lose after she refuses to comply with the gods?
(a) Seven.
(b) Twenty-one.
(c) Three.
(d) Fourteen.

15. Which of the following is NOT an explicit instruction from Jupiter on how the re-population of the earth is to happen?
(a) Wear your garments loose.
(b) Throw the bones of your mother behind your back.
(c) Cover your head.
(d) Use your hands to dig to the wet soil of earth.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the opening of the novel, who or what does Ovid evoke to inspire his writing?

2. Who bursts into Perseus and Andromeda's wedding, causing a disturbance?

3. How many days does Hercules' mother claim to have been in labor when her son was born?

4. What animal does Juno transform Castillo into?

5. What is the name of the king who rules over Alcathous?

(see the answer keys)

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