The Merchant of Venice Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Merchant of Venice Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which casket does the second suitor choose?
(a) The lead casket.
(b) The silver casket.
(c) The brass casket.
(d) The jewel encrusted casket.

2. Why does the second suitor choose to forgo the gold casket?
(a) Portia is not kind enough.
(b) Portia is not smart enough.
(c) Portia is not beautiful enough.
(d) Portia is not rich enough.

3. What does Launcelot do when he leaves the room after being scolded by Lorenzo at Portia's house?
(a) Sets the table.
(b) Flirts with the Moorish servant.
(c) Packs his bags.
(d) Writes a letter to Bassanio.

4. How much money did Jessica spend in one night?
(a) 8 ducats.
(b) 80 ducats.
(c) 800 ducats.
(d) 8000 ducats.

5. What does Portia plan to do with what she got from her husband while in Venice?
(a) Embarrass him.
(b) Divorce him.
(c) Demand an explanation from him.
(d) Forgive him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What occupation does Portia's cousin hold?

2. What does Lorenzo scold Launcelot for while Portia is away from her house?

3. Which casket does Bassanio choose?

4. What does Antonio receive after Shylock is accused of threatening his life?

5. Why is Antonio sad when Shylock has realized his daughter is gone?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Shylock forced to deed his property to, and why is Portia so happy about this?

2. What does Portia offer to do when they hear of Antonio's misfortune, and what does Jessica say about this plan?

3. What does Lorenzo praise Portia for after Bassanio leaves for Venice and how does Portia respond?

4. How does Antonio try to smooth things over when Portia hears that Bassanio gave his ring away?

5. What does Shylock refuse to allow in the courtroom as Antonio gives his pound of flesh, and why?

6. What is found in the silver casket and how does the Prince respond to this?

7. Why is Launcelot so worried about Jessica, and what does he think her only hope is?

8. What does Portia tell Nerissa after they leave Belmont?

9. Why are Salarino and Solanio so worried about Antonio when Shylock realizes his daughter has run away?

10. Why is Antonio so certain that the Duke will uphold the contract between him and Shylock?

(see the answer keys)

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