The Merchant of Venice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Merchant of Venice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Jessica and Lorenzo pretend to be while they are left alone at Portia's house?
(a) Royalty.
(b) Portia and Bassanio.
(c) Famous lovers.
(d) Animals.

2. What is Nerissa disguised as while she is in Venice with Portia?
(a) A merchant.
(b) A messenger.
(c) A servant.
(d) A page boy.

3. How does Shylock plan to use the pound of flesh he will get from Antonio?
(a) A trophy.
(b) Horsefeed.
(c) Fish bait.
(d) Garden fertilizer.

4. Why has Bassanio left Portia just after winning the right to marry her?
(a) To help Antonio.
(b) To prove his love for her.
(c) To get his things.
(d) To prepare for the wedding.

5. What is the name of the young lawyer who has come to Venice to help the Duke make a ruling on the case?
(a) Balthazar.
(b) Bellagio.
(c) Bellington.
(d) Bellario.

6. What does Portia give Bassanio as a token of her love?
(a) A book.
(b) A ring.
(c) A necklace.
(d) A crown.

7. What does Launcelot blame the rise of bacon on?
(a) Shipments of pork getting shipwrecked.
(b) Bacon coming into a trend.
(c) Jews not eating pork.
(d) Jews being converted.

8. Who is present when Shylock realizes his daughter is gone?
(a) Antonio.
(b) Salarino.
(c) Launcelot.
(d) Gobbo.

9. Who does Nerissa marry?
(a) Salarino.
(b) Solanio.
(c) Gratiano.
(d) Launcelot.

10. What does the letter that Portia gives to Antonio say?
(a) He is being summoned as a judge in Venice.
(b) His ships are all safe in port.
(c) He has inherited a great fortune.
(d) He is dismissed of all charges.

11. Which casket does Bassanio choose?
(a) Bronze.
(b) Silver.
(c) Golden.
(d) Lead.

12. What does Antonio receive after Shylock is accused of threatening his life?
(a) The satisfation of seeing Shylock taken to jail.
(b) All of Shylock's assets.
(c) Twice the debt owed to Shylock.
(d) Half of Shylock's estate.

13. What does Launcelot do when he leaves the room after being scolded by Lorenzo at Portia's house?
(a) Flirts with the Moorish servant.
(b) Packs his bags.
(c) Writes a letter to Bassanio.
(d) Sets the table.

14. Who does Bassanio introduce Portia to when he returns to Belmont from Venice?
(a) Gobbo.
(b) Launcelot.
(c) The duke.
(d) Antonio.

15. What does Portia make Lorenzo and Jessica promise when she returns from Venice?
(a) Tell Bassanio that she is still at the monastery.
(b) Refuse to talk to Bassanio when he arrives.
(c) Ask Bassanio where his ring is.
(d) Not tell Bassanio that she ever left.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Solanio say the duke will not uphold the law?

2. What does Portia tell Lorenzo she will do to help Bassanio in his quest?

3. What does Portia plan to do with what she got from her husband while in Venice?

4. What does Lorenzo scold Launcelot for while Portia is away from her house?

5. What does Portia offer to give to satisfy Antonio's debt to Shylock?

(see the answer keys)

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