Memory Police Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Yoko Ogawa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Memory Police Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Yoko Ogawa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 6-11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. R tells the unnamed narrator at the end of Chapter 8 that he has not taken what action?
(a) Forgotten anything.
(b) Forgotten his promise.
(c) Forgotten his vow of revenge.
(d) Forgotten his mother.

2. Near the end of Chapter 8, R detects the scent of what object within one of the empty drawers in the cabinet?
(a) Vanilla.
(b) Ginger.
(c) Perfume.
(d) Cinnamon.

3. Who originally comes up with the idea for R to hide from the Memory Police in the unnamed narrator's home?
(a) The old man.
(b) R.
(c) Professor Inui.
(d) The unnamed narrator.

4. How often does the narrator down supplies to R so that he may bathe?
(a) Every three days.
(b) Every day.
(c) Every other day.
(d) Once a week.

5. The conversation between the unnamed narrator and the old man in Chapter 7 takes place on what type of vehicle?
(a) A boat.
(b) A motorcycle.
(c) A pedicab.
(d) A train.

Short Answer Questions

1. What object does the unnamed narrator drop while reacting to the young prisoner's fall onto the concrete?

2. The unnamed narrator's mother and father had liked to meet at what location during their courtship?

3. On what sort of seat did the unnamed narrator used to sit as a child in her mother's studio?

4. Chapter 2 describes in detail the narrator's reaction to which creatures being disappeared from the island?

5. In what location does the narrator tell R that she has found a hiding place for him?

(see the answer key)

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