Medea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Medea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Medea plan to kill the princess?
(a) A poisoned dress and crown.
(b) Poisoned wine during the banquet.
(c) Attacking her after the ceremony.
(d) Slipping ground glass into her meal.

2. How does the chorus feel about Jason after hearing of the deaths?
(a) That he deserves the pain.
(b) That he may not recover from his grief.
(c) That he should have seen through Medea.
(d) That he will need comfort from friends.

3. Why doesn't Aegeus want to risk offending Creon?
(a) Because they are related.
(b) Because Creon has a large army.
(c) Because he is a fellow king.
(d) Because they've been friends since childhood.

4. What plot problem does Aegeus solve in his scene?
(a) Showing that not all men are selfish.
(b) Giving Medea a place to run to after her revenge.
(c) Introducing the concept of prophecies and oracles.
(d) Proving that Medea actually does have friends.

5. What does Aegeus know when he swears the oath to Medea?
(a) That Medea is angry and might harm herself.
(b) A little bit about her plans but not enough to incriminate himself.
(c) Everything about her plans to kill Jason and his bride.
(d) Only that she is being exiled, not her plans for revenge.

6. What does Medea have to do in order to stay with Aegeus?
(a) Make it to his kingdom on her own.
(b) Kill Jason and his new wife.
(c) Get Creon's permission.
(d) Translate the prophecy from the oracle.

7. Where does the princess start bleeding from?
(a) Her hands.
(b) Her head.
(c) Her feet.
(d) Internally.

8. How does Medea react to the news that her children can stay in Corinth?
(a) She is very happy.
(b) She appears upset.
(c) She has very little reaction.
(d) She goes into hysterics.

9. What justification does Medea give for being upset when her children return from seeing their father?
(a) She can see their father in their faces.
(b) She misses having her whole family together.
(c) She is so happy that she weeps.
(d) She is grieving that she will soon leave them behind.

10. What title does Aegeus hold?
(a) Councilor.
(b) None.
(c) King.
(d) Count.

11. When does Medea promise she will leave Corinth for good?
(a) Before sunrise.
(b) Once her children are cared for.
(c) After Jason's wedding.
(d) As soon as she can pack a bag.

12. How does Jason feel about Medea's new decision?
(a) He thinks she is doing the right thing.
(b) He thinks she is manipulating him again.
(c) He thinks it is wonderful that she's stopped being stupid.
(d) He thinks she is lying in order to get something from him.

13. What does the princess do after trying out her new gifts?
(a) Tells her courtiers to leave.
(b) Tries to get Jason to leave with her.
(c) Looks in the mirror at her "lifeless image".
(d) Hugs her father in joy.

14. How does Medea feel when she hears how her plan worked?
(a) She is angry that she was brought to this.
(b) She has no reaction.
(c) She rejoices.
(d) She is remorseful.

15. What method does Medea use to win Jason over the second time she speaks with him?
(a) Sexual temptation.
(b) Sincere remorse.
(c) An appeal to decency.
(d) Flattery and lies.

Short Answer Questions

1. How fast do the deaths happen?

2. How long does it take the poison to start working?

3. What occupies the majority of Part 6?

4. What does Medea fear her enemies will do to her children?

5. Who decides on the oath Aegeus swears?

(see the answer keys)

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