The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lucetta believe is her only "practicable weapon"?

2. What does Elizabeth think she sees in the loft?

3. What causes Michael's death?

4. What sentimental item does Henchard bring with him on his travels?

5. The patrons of Peter's Finger feels what with the upper class?

Short Essay Questions

1. Any drama in Elizabeth's life is not from her own doing. She lives to see how others bear good and bad circumstances. As Elizabeth lives her life, what overall lesson does she learn?

2. When Henchard arrives at Farfrae's home, he has every intention to read Lucetta's letters to Donald and reveal the author. However, he does not. He reads the letters, but stops himself from telling anymore. Why doesn't Henchard go through with his plan?

3. Of all the places that Lucetta chooses to meet Michael, why at the Ring? Hardy sets it there in the novel, but Lucetta is unaware that Susan and Michael meet there before. What is the importance of the Ring in this chapter?

4. How is the public treating Henchard and Donald after the Royal Personage passes through town? How is this different from earlier times? What does this say about the public?

5. Henchard reads Lucetta's letters aloud to Farfrae. Although the author is unknown to Farfrae, what do the letters say about the woman who writes them?

6. Henchard worries that Newson returns and unfolds the truth to Elizabeth. Yet, when Elizabeth goes to Michael for advice and meeting an anonymous person, Henchard tells her to go. Henchard is aware this person is Newson, so why does Henchard not tell her it is dangerous or give some excuse? Why does he lead her to the truth despite knowing he loses her?

7. Michael decides to buy a wedding present for Elizabeth. Without much money, he settles on a caged goldfinch. What is the significance of the goldfinch? What does it symbolize?

8. Although Farfrae buys Henchard's house and furniture in good faith, and offers him a room and job to help him. Describe what it feels like for Michael.

9. What is the significance of Psalm 109? Why does the band refuse to play such a song? What is the irony in the lyrics?

10. During Henchard's bankruptcy hearing, Michael shows appreciation towards the creditors. Summarize Henchard's last act that evokes sympathy from his creditors.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Hardy takes the time to develop the significance of the two bridges over several pages. It is distinct in character between the brick bridge and the stone bridge, in the persons that visit, as well as the bridges themselves. Compare and contrast the two bridges. Discuss the significance of class distinction in Casterbridge and how it relates to the bridges.

Essay Topic 2

Michael Henchard is not adamant of women, but three women play major roles in his life. Compare and contrast Susan, Lucetta, and Elizabeth. How are they alike, different? What do each of them offer Henchard that he involves them in his life? What does Henchard want from each of the women? Are they the same things or different? How do each of his relationship begin and end with each of them? Is there a pattern?

Essay Topic 3

Hardy develops characters with complexity. Some play a larger role, but even the smaller roles are there for a reason. Why does Hardy include talk from the townsfolk? What purpose does it serve to hear the chatting of Solomon, Coney, Mrs. Cuxom in the Three Mariners, at the mayor's wedding, and of Susan's last day at the water pump?

(see the answer keys)

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