The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Elizabeth address Henchard when she sees him on her wedding day?

2. Where does Farfrae leave to after his fight?

3. What brings Michael over the edge and gets him to start drinking again?

4. What types of people linger around the brick bridge?

5. What is the people's reaction to the skiff between Michael and Donald?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Henchard goes bankrupt and feels shame, he turns to Jopp. Despite his harsh behavior towards Jopp, why does Henchard turn to him?

2. After a visit to Ten Hatches Hole, Michael goes back to see Elizabeth. Henchard refers to himself as unlearned and ignorant. How does this show how Michael thinks differently of Elizabeth, even though he speaks about himself?

3. Henchard promises Lucetta that he returns her letters and not be the one to tell her secret. However, he gives Jopp the letters to send back to Lucetta. Jopp uses this opportunity to retaliate. Even without trying, Michael acts in a way that condemns Lucetta. How much is this in his nature? Does Henchard ever change fully to make sound decisions that do not befall him or the people he cares for?

4. Any drama in Elizabeth's life is not from her own doing. She lives to see how others bear good and bad circumstances. As Elizabeth lives her life, what overall lesson does she learn?

5. Michael sees his effigy in the river and begins to lose any composure he has left. What is Michael thinking when he realizes what the image is?

6. Donald's singing affects Henchard before he is able to challenge the Scotchman. Why does a song affect him? What is the importance of the particular song?

7. Lucetta has a brief encounter with Henchard on the farm. In her anger, she is unable to speak her mind right away and leaves. Angry at Henchard's approach, she writes him a letter to stop being so cruel. How does this show Lucetta's inability to think ahead and learn her mistakes?

8. When Michael pins Donald and is in a position to throw him down the trap door, Donald yells, "... take it, take it! Ye've wished to long enough!" What effect do these words have on Michael? If Donald does not said them, what happens?

9. How is the public treating Henchard and Donald after the Royal Personage passes through town? How is this different from earlier times? What does this say about the public?

10. When Henchard arrives at Farfrae's home, he has every intention to read Lucetta's letters to Donald and reveal the author. However, he does not. He reads the letters, but stops himself from telling anymore. Why doesn't Henchard go through with his plan?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Up to chapter 16, Hardy portrays Michael as tyrannical, fiery, and impulsive. However, when the tide turns on Henchard and the people no longer admire him with Donald in town, Hardy shows some of the good side of Henchard. Henchard plans a free celebration, and when it rains on him, he is noted to give the food to the poor and not to waste. Henchard is also noted to help out Abel's mother, despite punishing him later for his lateness. Write about why Hardy displays this side of Henchard. Is it to gain pity for Michael? Is he trying to evoke emotions from the readers toward Henchard? What kind of character does Hardy want to exhibit in Henchard? Is Michael a stereotypical antagonist? Or is there more complexity and depth?

Essay Topic 2

In chapter 25, Michael tells Lucetta, "But it is not by what it is, in this life, but by what appears, that you are judged..." It is evident that Michael lives with a lot of deceit and follows his own advice. Do you agree? Do you disagree? How is his life judged? Do you think the truth ever catches up to the facade?

Essay Topic 3

Susan lives for eighteen years with Newson without much trouble. However, once she finds out that her marriage is not binding, she is distressed. What does this say about how Susan views marriage? Why does the legality of the marriage have such an effect on her? Why does she stay? Is marriage about love? An obedience? A law?

(see the answer keys)

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