The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the town's mood when Mrs. Farfrae's condition is heard?
(a) They feel she deserves it.
(b) Guilty.
(c) Content.
(d) Apathetic.

2. Who sends Donald to his new destination?
(a) Longways.
(b) Jopp.
(c) Conway.
(d) Mrs. Cuxsom.

3. What is one of the causes of Henchard's bankruptcy?
(a) Farfrae steals all his customers.
(b) Henchard fires half his employees in a fury.
(c) A debtor cannot pay Henchard on time.
(d) Bad weather.

4. What drunken act does Michael do at the Three Mariners?
(a) He initiates a brawl.
(b) He forces the band to play Psalm 109.
(c) He sings and curses Farfrae.
(d) He reads Lucetta's letters aloud.

5. Who helps fund the "skimmity ride"?
(a) Jopp.
(b) A passing stranger.
(c) Unknowingly Farfrae does.
(d) Mrs. Cuxsom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Farfrae decide to do to avenge his wife's death?

2. Where is Henchard when the commotions of the scandal are heard from town?

3. What causes Michael to see Elizabeth in a new light?

4. What is the motive behind the "skimmity ride"?

5. What does Elizabeth do with Henchard's gift?

Short Essay Questions

1. Any drama in Elizabeth's life is not from her own doing. She lives to see how others bear good and bad circumstances. As Elizabeth lives her life, what overall lesson does she learn?

2. Henchard reads Lucetta's letters aloud to Farfrae. Although the author is unknown to Farfrae, what do the letters say about the woman who writes them?

3. Donald's singing affects Henchard before he is able to challenge the Scotchman. Why does a song affect him? What is the importance of the particular song?

4. Describe the events that inhibit the law enforcers to promptly find the perpetrators of the skimmity ride.

5. Henchard promises Lucetta that he returns her letters and not be the one to tell her secret. However, he gives Jopp the letters to send back to Lucetta. Jopp uses this opportunity to retaliate. Even without trying, Michael acts in a way that condemns Lucetta. How much is this in his nature? Does Henchard ever change fully to make sound decisions that do not befall him or the people he cares for?

6. In chapter 32, what is becoming apparent of Elizabeth Jane? How is she changing? Is she the same person as when she lives with Henchard years before?

7. Describe the relationship between the classes. How are they related to one another? Does one depend on the other? Are they co-dependent? Do they interact with one another? If so, how? What is different between the two classes? Can one move between the classes? How so? Who is an example?

8. After Lucetta's death, Donald and Elizabeth are seen in courtship. Compare and contrast this courtship to their first one before Lucetta came to Casterbridge.

9. Elizabeth is an independent woman who likes to take walks along Budmouth Road to the sea. It is a secret that she does not tell Farfrae. What is this secret and why is the sea important to her?

10. After Henchard's bankruptcy, Henchard becomes an associate of the lower class. He now works beside them, dresses in shabby clothing, and lives in the same vicinity. But how is Henchard different from the lower class? What large difference do he and Jopp have despite their similar circumstances?

(see the answer keys)

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