The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lucetta believe is her only "practicable weapon"?
(a) Her power in money.
(b) Power of persuasion.
(c) She does not feel she has any.
(d) Her power as the mayor's wife.

2. When Henchard leaves Casterbridge, what employment does he find?
(a) Hay-trussing.
(b) Henchard becomes a constable.
(c) General manager of a corn business.
(d) Nothing.

3. Newly bankrupt and now a journeyman, what is the only thing Michael looks forward to?
(a) Being able to drink again.
(b) Talking to his river image at the bridge.
(c) Talking with Elizabeth.
(d) Talking with Jopp.

4. Who meets Farfrae, but unsuccessfully brings him home to Lucetta?
(a) Henchard.
(b) Whittle.
(c) The doctor.
(d) One of Farfrae's employees.

5. What does Farfrae indirectly offer Henchard?
(a) A partnership.
(b) Start-up money for a new business.
(c) A bribe to stay out of his life.
(d) A corn-trussing job.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Lucetta react to Michael in Donald's farm?

2. What does Lucetta do to manipulate Henchard's feelings?

3. In chapter 42, what seems to worry Michael the most?

4. What is the town's mood when Mrs. Farfrae's condition is heard?

5. What does Elizabeth think she sees in the loft?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Lucetta's death, Donald and Elizabeth are seen in courtship. Compare and contrast this courtship to their first one before Lucetta came to Casterbridge.

2. When Henchard arrives at Farfrae's home, he has every intention to read Lucetta's letters to Donald and reveal the author. However, he does not. He reads the letters, but stops himself from telling anymore. Why doesn't Henchard go through with his plan?

3. Michael sees his effigy in the river and begins to lose any composure he has left. What is Michael thinking when he realizes what the image is?

4. Henchard reads Lucetta's letters aloud to Farfrae. Although the author is unknown to Farfrae, what do the letters say about the woman who writes them?

5. In chapter 32, what is becoming apparent of Elizabeth Jane? How is she changing? Is she the same person as when she lives with Henchard years before?

6. In chapter 42, Michael disagrees about some of Elizabeth's decisions. How does Michael show that he is actively changing for the better?

7. During Henchard's bankruptcy hearing, Michael shows appreciation towards the creditors. Summarize Henchard's last act that evokes sympathy from his creditors.

8. How is the public treating Henchard and Donald after the Royal Personage passes through town? How is this different from earlier times? What does this say about the public?

9. Michael shows changes for the better. But there are still times that Michael cannot empathize and understand another person's position. How does he show this lack of understanding that people behave differently than he?

10. When Henchard goes bankrupt and feels shame, he turns to Jopp. Despite his harsh behavior towards Jopp, why does Henchard turn to him?

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