The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes Michael to be bitter towards Elizabeth?
(a) He discovers she is not his real daughter.
(b) She is in courtship with Farfrae.
(c) She spends too much of his hard earned money.
(d) Elizabeth brings his status down in town.

2. What consequence occurs when Henchard makes a bad corn deal?
(a) The bank takes possession of his belongings.
(b) Henchard is evicted from his home.
(c) The farmers threaten Henchard if they don't get their pay.
(d) The only person to loan Henchard money is Farfrae.

3. What makes Susan uncomfortable about her relationship with Newson?
(a) Because Elizabeth Jane is not his daughter.
(b) Newson is a drunkard.
(c) Newson is always at sea.
(d) She discovers her marriage is not binding.

4. Now in Casterbridge, what does Lucetta expect from Henchard?
(a) Monetary compensation.
(b) Courtship and marriage.
(c) A share in his business.
(d) For Michael to treat Elizabeth well.

5. What causes Lucetta to change her mind about marrying Henchard?
(a) Henchard blackmails her.
(b) Lucetta's conscience tells her it is the only right thing to do.
(c) Lucetta does not want to hurt Elizabeth by marrying Farfrae.
(d) Farfrae proves himself unworthy at the crash site.

Short Answer Questions

1. In chapter 19, what act blatantly shows Michael's disrespect for Susan's request?

2. What does Elizabeth notice about the backdoor of Miss Templeman's home?

3. How does Lucetta regard Elizabeth's feelings for Donald?

4. Where does Elizabeth move to when she leaves Henchard's house?

5. As magistrate, what familiar character does Michael judge?

Short Essay Questions

1. Elizabeth mentions "respectability" several times. Despite a plain dress and a modest upbringing, she is very conscientious of being respectable. How does this regard to respectability portray her desires? What kind of life does Elizabeth seek?

2. Lucetta shows she is capable of greedy motivations. Yet, she is also victim to Henchard's forceful behaviors. When she returns from Port-Bredy married to Farfrae, Henchard hollers his disapproval and for her to get away. When she does, she enters her home through the backdoor? Knowing what the back alley represents, why does she choose at this time to use this entrance?

3. What is the atmosphere of the furmity tent when Michael offers his wife for sale?

4. When the furmity woman is shown as the defendant, Henchard notices something familiar but the thought flees his mind as quickly as it comes in. How does the furmity woman represent the sale of his wife twenty years ago? How does Henchard's reaction to the furmity woman represent how he feels about the transaction?

5. When Susan begins her search for Michael, Hardy refers her as Mrs. Newson, for that is what she calls herself. However, in chapter nine, Hardy calls her Mrs. Henchard again for the first time. Why does Hardy return to her first marriage name? How does Susan feel about her role and position at this point?

6. When the new farming machinery is shown in the marketplace, Lucetta and Elizabeth look at it with inquiry. Lucetta describes it as an agricultural piano and Elizabeth states that it is something to do with corn. These statements are very different, as is there personality. Compare and contrast their response to the machine and how it reflects their personality.

7. How does Solomon Longways view the mayor?

8. Although Hardy reveals that Henchard is not in love with Susan, he feels defensive when the boys around town call Susan, "The Ghost". Does he really love her and does not know it? Is he defensive to protect his own name? Is Henchard a better man that he reveals himself to be?

9. When Henchard first learns about Donald's popularity, he cannot help but be jealous. However, he sees Donald as a genuinely good man who cares for people's feelings. What internal battle does Henchard experience concerning Donald Farfrae? How does he personally feel about Farfrae? How does this affect his natural jealousy?

10. Hardy introduces Lucetta as a mystery woman, but with some hints that she knows Henchard. He also describes her as graceful and nice to Elizabeth. However, as the novel progresses, how does Hardy foreshadow that Miss Templeman may not be the woman Elizabeth thinks she is? What clues and observations does Elizabeth make, or comments of Hardy, show that Lucetta is as contriving as the other characters in Casterbridge?

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