The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Farfrae do at the hiring market?
(a) He speaks kindly of Henchard to farmers that want Michael's employment.
(b) He hires a man and his father.
(c) He dissuades those that want to work for Henchard.
(d) He hires a man and his wife.

2. Where is the first place Michael heads to when he wakes up in the morning in the furmity tent?
(a) The seaport.
(b) The nearest farm.
(c) The church.
(d) A neighbor's for breakfast.

3. What is Jopp's reaction to Henchard's curt behavior?
(a) Disappointed, but understands business is business.
(b) Unaffected.
(c) Angry and bitterly disappointed.
(d) Sensitively hurt.

4. Where does Elizabeth move to when she leaves Henchard's house?
(a) High Place Hall.
(b) Durnover Hill.
(c) Closer to her mother's grave.
(d) Into Farfrae's home.

5. At the scene of the wagon crash, when Henchard's man says the word of Lucetta and Elizabeth Jane are not to be accounted for because all women swoon for Donald, Henchard __________.
(a) Agrees with him and dismisses the women.
(b) Defends the women.
(c) Becomes furious at the reminder and rushes off.
(d) Implores the truth of the statement from the women.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the relationship like between Susan and Michael?

2. What keeps the Scotchman lingering about the King's Arms?

3. What does Michael do for a living?

4. What change is observed in Michael's behavior toward Donald when Donald becomes more popular?

5. What is Michael Henchard's initial reaction when Elizabeth requests to leave?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Susan dies, Henchard agrees to marry Lucetta out of pity. He still does not call on her when she arrives to Casterbridge. Suddenly, he is adamant about getting her attention and marrying her. What causes the sudden change of heart? What does Henchard want from this?

2. Before Michael discovers who Elizabeth's real father is, he wants her to legally change her name to Henchard. For whom does he want this? How does Michael regard Elizabeth's feelings in this matter? Is it for them as a relationship as purely for his selfish wants?

3. Earlier in the book, Jopp is tersely introduced and forgotten when his management position is taken by Farfrae. Re-introduced years later in chapter 26, he is described as coming from the back slum and his clothing a sign of need. Unjustly fired, what role do you think Jopp plays in Henchard's life?

4. A raging bull attacks Lucetta and Elizabeth. Why does hardy use a bull? What symbolism do bulls represent?

5. When Susan is auctioned to Newson, she thinks it is binding. However, Hardy remarks that she is not the only woman to think this way. What does this say about Susan? About the times?

6. Although Hardy reveals that Henchard is not in love with Susan, he feels defensive when the boys around town call Susan, "The Ghost". Does he really love her and does not know it? Is he defensive to protect his own name? Is Henchard a better man that he reveals himself to be?

7. When Susan begins her search for Michael, Hardy refers her as Mrs. Newson, for that is what she calls herself. However, in chapter nine, Hardy calls her Mrs. Henchard again for the first time. Why does Hardy return to her first marriage name? How does Susan feel about her role and position at this point?

8. When the new farming machinery is shown in the marketplace, Lucetta and Elizabeth look at it with inquiry. Lucetta describes it as an agricultural piano and Elizabeth states that it is something to do with corn. These statements are very different, as is there personality. Compare and contrast their response to the machine and how it reflects their personality.

9. Hardy makes note that the Three Mariners sign is old. However, it is not due to the owner's lack of care as it is the lack of a painter in town. What does that imply about Casterbridge?

10. How does Solomon Longways view the mayor?

(see the answer keys)

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