The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Elizabeth wary of Henchard's hatred toward Farfrae?
(a) She is dubious of Michael's courage to revenge Farfrae.
(b) Elizabeth is afraid he hurts Lucetta to revenge Farfrae.
(c) Elizabeth would rather have Henchard focus his hate on Lucetta.
(d) She believes he does something dangerous to Farfrae.

2. What does Lucetta believe is her only "practicable weapon"?
(a) Her power as the mayor's wife.
(b) Her power in money.
(c) She does not feel she has any.
(d) Power of persuasion.

3. What does Lucetta request from Henchard?
(a) For Michael to move away.
(b) Her past love letters.
(c) For Michael to quit Farfrae's employment.
(d) For Michael to treat Elizabeth more fairly.

4. Who helps fund the "skimmity ride"?
(a) Unknowingly Farfrae does.
(b) A passing stranger.
(c) Jopp.
(d) Mrs. Cuxsom.

5. What drunken act does Michael do at the Three Mariners?
(a) He forces the band to play Psalm 109.
(b) He reads Lucetta's letters aloud.
(c) He sings and curses Farfrae.
(d) He initiates a brawl.

6. What unexpected thing does Michael do at the parade?
(a) He sits next to Lucetta to watch the parade.
(b) He makes a flag and greets the Royal Personage.
(c) He blocks the entrance at the bridge.
(d) He marches behind the councilman as if he is one of them.

7. Who sends Donald to his new destination?
(a) Jopp.
(b) Mrs. Cuxsom.
(c) Longways.
(d) Conway.

8. What does Henchard do with his gift for Elizabeth?
(a) He secretly places it in her room.
(b) He returns it.
(c) He leaves it outside her home.
(d) He sends it via a messenger.

9. What causes Michael's death?
(a) A heart attack.
(b) A bloody drunken fight.
(c) A wagon accident.
(d) Too weak to eat.

10. What brings Michael over the edge and gets him to start drinking again?
(a) News that Farfrae is mayor.
(b) Lucetta and Elizabeth ignore him completely in the market.
(c) Lucetta is having a baby.
(d) Jopp and Farfrae are becoming friends.

11. What section of town does Michael now live?
(a) Durnover Hill.
(b) Priory Mill.
(c) Mixen Lane.
(d) Stone Bridge.

12. What is Michael's solution to the upcoming disclosure of his lie to Newson?
(a) Henchard writes a note defending his stance to Elizabeth.
(b) Michael coerces Elizabeth to stay with him instead.
(c) Michael intercepts Newson and threatens him.
(d) Henchard decides to leave Casterbridge.

13. Where does Farfrae leave to after his fight?
(a) Mellstock.
(b) Weatherbury.
(c) Durnover Hill.
(d) Budmouth.

14. What causes greater enmity between Michael and Henchard?
(a) Henchard pushes Donald in public.
(b) Lucetta tells Donald the truth about her affair.
(c) Donald pushes Henchard in public.
(d) Donald is forced to dismiss Henchard as a journeyman.

15. What happens to Michael's business?
(a) The banks close it down.
(b) Farfrae buys Michael's business.
(c) The town burns it down.
(d) The barns and granaries are raided by his former employees.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Michael do to further exemplify his selfishness?

2. In what state does Elizabeth find Henchard's gift?

3. Why is the skimmity ride important to Jopp?

4. How does Michael prepare for his fight with Donald?

5. What is the motive behind the "skimmity ride"?

(see the answer keys)

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