The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lucetta discover the scandal concerns her?
(a) Lucetta hears her loud neighbors.
(b) Her cook confesses it is about her.
(c) Lucetta runs out to see her effigy.
(d) Elizabeth tells her.

2. In chapter 42, what seems to worry Michael the most?
(a) The public's opinion.
(b) Losing Elizabeth.
(c) Farfrae's revenge.
(d) Business failure.

3. Where does Farfrae leave to after his fight?
(a) Durnover Hill.
(b) Budmouth.
(c) Mellstock.
(d) Weatherbury.

4. What becomes of Newson?
(a) He moves to Budmouth.
(b) He returns to the open seas.
(c) He dies.
(d) He sets up a business in Casterbridge.

5. What sort of people live at Mixen Lane?
(a) The rich that are down in their luck.
(b) Patrons of the Three Mariners.
(c) Church-goers.
(d) Low-lifes.

6. What does Elizabeth think she sees in the loft?
(a) Lucetta and Henchard secretly meeting.
(b) A mysterious package of letters.
(c) Henchard ponders the thought of pushing Farfrae through the trap door.
(d) Susan's ghost.

7. What does Henchard ponder while at Ten Hatches Hole?
(a) How to regain Farfrae's trust.
(b) Committing suicide.
(c) How to revenge the plotters of the skimmity ride.
(d) How to keep Elizabeth's love.

8. On the day of the skimmity ride, who knows where Donald goes to?
(a) Whittle and Elizabeth.
(b) Lucetta and Elizabeth.
(c) Lucetta and Henchard.
(d) Henchard and Whittle.

9. How do Henchard's former employees view their new boss?
(a) The man is respectable, but not as hearty and friendly as Henchard.
(b) They believe the new boss is equal in every way to Henchard.
(c) They like him less because he pays less.
(d) They are less fearful of him.

10. Where does Michael challenge Donald to a fight?
(a) In the loft.
(b) At Farfrae's home.
(c) At the Three Mariners.
(d) At the ring.

11. What section of town does Michael now live?
(a) Mixen Lane.
(b) Priory Mill.
(c) Stone Bridge.
(d) Durnover Hill.

12. During the ruckus of the skimmity ride, who shows the most bravery?
(a) The constables.
(b) Grower.
(c) Charl.
(d) Blowbody.

13. Why is the skimmity ride important to Jopp?
(a) Jopp uses it to blackmail Farfrae.
(b) Jopp feels like a leader for once.
(c) Jopp uses it to blackmail Lucetta.
(d) The scandal also serves as retaliation.

14. Who does Michael turn to when he goes bankrupt?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Jopp.
(c) Solomon.
(d) Councilman Tubb.

15. What causes Michael to see Elizabeth in a new light?
(a) On her deathbed, Lucetta makes Henchard see Elizabeth's pure heart.
(b) He sees Elizabeth's genuine affection for all that is good and pure.
(c) Farfrae and Henchard reconcile and discuss Elizabeth's pure nature.
(d) Elizabeth insists on visiting him daily.

Short Answer Questions

1. What drunken act does Michael do at the Three Mariners?

2. What does Lucetta believe is her only "practicable weapon"?

3. How does Elizabeth address Henchard when she sees him on her wedding day?

4. What does Lucetta request from Henchard?

5. What sentimental item does Henchard bring with him on his travels?

(see the answer keys)

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