The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What occupies Elizabeth's mind after the celebration is over?
(a) The failure of her father's celebration.
(b) The quarrel between Henchard and Farfrae.
(c) Donald Farfrae.
(d) The music and the dancing.

2. How does Henchard first learn the townspeople prefer Donald over him?
(a) A lawyer from Henchard's celebration tells him.
(b) Henchard sees it in the people's faces as they admire Donald dancing.
(c) From a councilman.
(d) Through a messenger boy from Durnover.

3. Susan writes a letter to Michael when on her deathbed. What does she request of him concerning this letter?
(a) That he opens it on Elizabeth's wedding day.
(b) To forgive her for her simplicity.
(c) That he reads it in secrecy and burns the letter afterward.
(d) That he opens it only after she passes away.

4. How does Donald treat Elizabeth when conversing with the women of High Place Hall?
(a) He attempts to bring her into the conversations.
(b) Donald does not acknowledge her presence.
(c) He feels lucky to have her in the same room.
(d) He feels pity for her.

5. In chapter 29, what does Lucetta offer Henchard?
(a) A long engagement.
(b) Money for his business.
(c) An immediate marriage.
(d) A scheme against Farfrae.

6. What inspires Michael to finally ask Lucetta to marry him?
(a) His loneliness and her disinterest.
(b) He knows Farfrae is courting her.
(c) Michael feels he needs to do right by her.
(d) He believes it angers Elizabeth.

7. How does Susan know Michael Henchard is in Casterbridge?
(a) From a friend.
(b) Michael contacts Susan first.
(c) Through hearsay on the street.
(d) She asks the furmity woman.

8. What does Farfrae do that wins the inn patrons over?
(a) He fixes the bad wheat problem.
(b) He orates classic poetry with artistic drama.
(c) He sings a melody about his home country.
(d) He buys a round for everyone in the common room.

9. How does Elizabeth receive her new home and money?
(a) She uses it to gain status around town.
(b) She feels out of place in the big house.
(c) She enjoys the freedom.
(d) She abides by the saying, "Take, have, and keep."

10. Henchard confesses his past marriage with Susan to Farfrae. What additional surprise does Henchard confess to Farfrae?
(a) Henchard secretly drinks.
(b) A Jersey woman is blackmailing him about his past.
(c) Henchard is having an affair with a woman from Jersey.
(d) Henchard knows the wheat is bad when he sells it.

11. How does Michael discover Lucetta is in Casterbridge?
(a) Lucetta strategically runs into him at the marketplace.
(b) Elizabeth describes the mystery woman to Henchard.
(c) Michael sees her at Susan's grave.
(d) He remembers Templeman is Lucetta's aunt's surname.

12. What surprising feature does Elizabeth and Susan notice about the glasses in front of the mayor?
(a) All three of sherry, port, and wine are still full.
(b) There are no glasses.
(c) There is only one glass.
(d) The ones for wine are empty.

13. Where does Susan and her daughter first see Michael Henchard?
(a) Just outside the King's Arms looking in.
(b) At the King's Arms.
(c) At a local bakery.
(d) At the Three Mariners.

14. How does Michael feel after Susan's death?
(a) Despair.
(b) Free.
(c) Relief.
(d) Lonely.

15. How is Casterbridge best described?
(a) An honest city.
(b) Modern and cosmopolitan.
(c) Old-fashioned and agricultural.
(d) A suburb of little importance.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lucetta request from Henchard?

2. What news are the townsfolk waiting for at the end of chapter 30?

3. How does Susan feel about the choreographed courtship?

4. What is Michael's reaction to what the defendant says?

5. At the scene of the wagon crash, when Henchard's man says the word of Lucetta and Elizabeth Jane are not to be accounted for because all women swoon for Donald, Henchard __________.

(see the answer keys)

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