The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Weydon Priors can be described as ...
(a) The next big thing.
(b) A bustling city.
(c) A ghost town.
(d) A plain farmtown.

2. Who does Henchard hire to compete against Farfrae?
(a) One of the councilmen.
(b) Jopp.
(c) Elizabeth.
(d) Mr. Cuxom.

3. What is Henchard's impression of the new machinery?
(a) He is dubious, but is willing to give it a try.
(b) He believes it is useless.
(c) He believes it revolutionizes farming.
(d) He is ecstatic that only the richer like himself can afford it.

4. What do the boys of Casterbridge nickname Susan?
(a) The Plain Genteel.
(b) The Cottage Woman.
(c) The Ghost.
(d) The Simpleton.

5. How does Michael feel after Susan's death?
(a) Relief.
(b) Despair.
(c) Lonely.
(d) Free.

6. To whom does Michael go for weather advice?
(a) The weather-caster.
(b) Farfrae.
(c) Jopp.
(d) Whittle.

7. How are Susan and Elizabeth-Jane evident strangers in Casterbridge?
(a) They do not know about the bad corn sold to the bakers and millers.
(b) They do not know the whereabouts of Henchard despite his popularity.
(c) By the way they are dressed.
(d) Their accents give them away.

8. What does Michael do for a living?
(a) An auctioneer.
(b) A hay-trusser.
(c) A sailor.
(d) A turnip-hoer.

9. What surprises Elizabeth when she goes to see Henchard?
(a) She finds out Henchard and Susan are once married.
(b) She discovers she is Henchard's daughter.
(c) She meets Farfrae unexpectedly.
(d) Henchard's estate is too large to find him.

10. Although now the town beauty, what does Elizabeth feel she still lacks?
(a) A proper lady's demeanor.
(b) Love.
(c) Fashionable sensibility.
(d) A proper education.

11. Michael allows Farfrae to court Elizabeth under what condition?
(a) Elizabeth is to leave as soon as possible.
(b) Farfrae pays a sum.
(c) It's not in Michael's house.
(d) Farfrae refers some customers to Henchard's business.

12. How does Elizabeth and Lucetta meet?
(a) They are both visiting Susan's grave.
(b) Elizabeth applies to work for the new woman coming to Casterbridge.
(c) Lucetta visits Henchard and meets Elizabeth.
(d) While looking for Farfrae in the marketplace.

13. What is Michael Henchard's initial reaction when Elizabeth requests to leave?
(a) He is hurt.
(b) He is angry she leaves him.
(c) He is suspicious.
(d) He is agreeable and willing.

14. Where do Susan and Elizabeth Jane go for lodgings?
(a) The mayor's mansion.
(b) The Three Mariners.
(c) The King's Arms.
(d) The nearest farm.

15. What inspires Michael to finally ask Lucetta to marry him?
(a) He knows Farfrae is courting her.
(b) His loneliness and her disinterest.
(c) He believes it angers Elizabeth.
(d) Michael feels he needs to do right by her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Susan and her daughter first see Michael Henchard?

2. What do the people of Casterbridge know of the mayor's past wife?

3. Michael incessantly criticizes Elizabeth for what?

4. How do Susan and Elizabeth pay for their lodgings, despite their little income?

5. What is Farfrae's initial impression of Elizabeth Jane?

(see the answer keys)

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