Master Georgie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Master Georgie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which nationality did Dr. Potter think the French were always more civilized than?
(a) The Turkish.
(b) The English.
(c) The French.
(d) The Germans.

2. What do Jones and Potter think will ensure their survival?
(a) Strength and love.
(b) Courage and belief.
(c) God and fate.
(d) Will power and concentration.

3. Why do Mrs. Yardley and the Colonel have to bring their own food when they have dinner with Myrtle and George?
(a) Rations are low.
(b) Mrs. Yardley is a vegetarian.
(c) Myrtle is a vegetarian.
(d) George has no cooking facilites.

4. What did the soldier suffer from when he first got to the front?
(a) Asthma.
(b) Amnesia.
(c) Scarlet fever.
(d) Small pox.

5. What does Dr. Potter say he found overturned by the lake?
(a) A boat.
(b) A wagon.
(c) A car.
(d) A train carriage.

6. Who does Dr. Potts say George should never have confided in?
(a) Himself.
(b) Myrtle.
(c) Pompey.
(d) Mrs. Yardley.

7. What does Potter think the camera is incapable of exposing?
(a) The human sense of fun.
(b) The human brain.
(c) The human evil.
(d) The human heart.

8. What instrument does the twelve-year-old boy play?
(a) Guitar.
(b) Trumpet.
(c) Drums.
(d) Trombone.

9. Where did Jones meet George after he was barred from the Hardys' house?
(a) The Star Hotel.
(b) The Izmir Hotel.
(c) The Washington Hotel.
(d) The Regal Hotel.

10. Who does George find out was killed from a head wound?
(a) Captain Jerome.
(b) William Rimmer.
(c) Captain Frampton.
(d) Pompey Jones.

11. What is the name of George's superior?
(a) Dr. Viion.
(b) Dr. Regal.
(c) Dr. Lotts.
(d) Dr. Hall.

12. What part of her body has Myrtle hurt?
(a) Her head.
(b) Her hand.
(c) Her foot.
(d) Her leg.

13. What does Jones say he would do if officers told him to?
(a) Kill George.
(b) Jump through a hoop.
(c) Swim the ocean.
(d) Kill himself.

14. Where does the soldier shoot himself to get out of fighting?
(a) His hand.
(b) His shoulder.
(c) His foot.
(d) His thigh.

15. Which part of the soldier's body has been blown off?
(a) His arm.
(b) His ear.
(c) His leg.
(d) His hand.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the valley the group is positioned near?

2. Who does Myrtle ride in the countryside with?

3. What does George instruct Potter to buy for Myrtle?

4. What does Jones say Myrtle is circling around like?

5. Who does Jones keep a photograph of?

(see the answer keys)

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