Master Georgie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Master Georgie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Tuckett's army rank?
(a) Sergeant.
(b) Lieutenant.
(c) General.
(d) Captain.

2. What do Dr. Potter and Mr. Naughton argue about?
(a) Liverpool dockers.
(b) The soccer.
(c) The war.
(d) Literature.

3. What is the name of the hospital where Georgie has been appointed?
(a) The Military Hospital.
(b) The Barrack Hospital.
(c) The Regal Hospial.
(d) The Christian Hospital.

4. Which company is Mr. Naughton the representative of?
(a) The Liverpool City Council.
(b) The Liverpool Docker's Union.
(c) The Liverpool Football Club.
(d) The Liverpool Board of Commerce.

5. What does Myrtle say she didn't like about the tiger's eyes?
(a) They were soulless.
(b) They glared.
(c) They were misty.
(d) They were black.

6. What signals dinnertime?
(a) A bell.
(b) An alarm.
(c) A gong.
(d) A shout.

7. What does Dr. Potter note is excellent about the journey?
(a) The drink.
(b) The food.
(c) The entertainment.
(d) The weather.

8. What does Pompey assist Georgie with?
(a) Operations.
(b) Buying clothes.
(c) Photography.
(d) Driving.

9. What is the name of the steamer that the group travels in to Constantinople?
(a) Cambria.
(b) St. Mary.
(c) Bulldog.
(d) Lucille.

10. What does Rimmer say he needs to do just before the operation on the ape?
(a) Blow his nose.
(b) Sneeze.
(c) Urinate.
(d) Cough.

11. By what name is Pompey Jones also known?
(a) Coy-boy.
(b) Fish-boy.
(c) Beak-boy.
(d) Duck-boy.

12. Who does Mr. Naughton tell about his feelings for Myrtle?
(a) Dr. Potter.
(b) Georgie.
(c) Annie.
(d) Beatrice.

13. Who asks Pompey Jones to work for him?
(a) William Rimmer.
(b) Georgie.
(c) Dr. Potter.
(d) Mr. Hardy.

14. What kind of animal does a kind boy hand back to a woman at the show?
(a) A dog.
(b) A rabbit.
(c) A duck.
(d) A hamster.

15. Where has Georgie secured a post?
(a) Scutari.
(b) Kolln.
(c) Gadly.
(d) Tombstone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is is in the third floor room of the building Georgie enters?

2. What is the name of the novel's twelve-year-old orphan?

3. What does Pompey soak the handkerchief in?

4. What country does Mrs. Yardley come from?

5. Which member of the family does Myrtle become devoted to?

(see the answer keys)

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