Master and Commander Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Master and Commander Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Jack go to see Mercedes?
(a) Mahon
(b) The Govener's mansion
(c) The Crown
(d) The Amelia

2. Why does the Sophie head to Cape Salou?
(a) To deliver a prisoner to the Spanish
(b) To retrieve a Spanish prize
(c) To deliveer Stephen to his new home
(d) To provide transportation to the Post-Captain

3. Who starts to follow Jack's ship?
(a) English squadron
(b) French squadron
(c) Spanish squadron
(d) Italian squadron

4. Who is thrown overboard?
(a) New Midshipman
(b) Ellis' son
(c) Dillon
(d) Stephen

5. Who warns Jack about a possible attempt to provoke Jack's insubordination?
(a) Ellis
(b) Florey
(c) Molly
(d) Stephen

Short Answer Questions

1. Who were there bad feelings between during the voyage?

2. What is a covert distress sign?

3. Who preferred to be far away from the bad-smelling and noisy experience of exercising the guns?

4. Upon which ship do the men sneak up and take by surprise?

5. What must Jack do in order to recover from his serious illness?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Stephen disagree with Dillon about in relation to the decision of Jack to continue to search for prize money?

2. Why was the ship down to just a quarter ration for water when they arrived in Minorca?

3. Why is Captain Neal stern with Jack when Jack shows up to discuss his orders with dirt and powder all over his clothes and face?

4. Why will the dinner at Captain Harte's be awkward for Stephen?

5. What is the decision at the court-martial in regards to Jack and his crew?

6. What does Mr. Ellis talk disparagingly about and of what importance is this within the novel?

7. What proves to Jack and the crew the ship with the blue ensign is from England?

8. Despite his lack of knowledge about surgery, at what does Stephen excel?

9. What does Stephen tell Jack he must do in order to recover from the disease he got from Molly?

10. What is Molly to Jack and of what importance is this to the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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