Marley and Me Test | Final Test - Easy

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marley and Me Test | Final Test - Easy

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the second baby suffer from for four months?
(a) Colic.
(b) Projectile vomiting.
(c) Lack of sleep.
(d) An allergy to his mother's milk.

2. When Jenny had to stay in the hospital for twelve days, what was the atmosphere like at home?
(a) Quiet - John had taken Patrick and Marley to his parents' home.
(b) The rules were relaxed.
(c) John handled everything well and Marley behaved perfectly.
(d) John couldn't cope and called his sister to help.

3. What was the main reason the Grogans decided it was time to leave West Palm Beach?
(a) Marley was getting too big for the yard.
(b) The area was too violent.
(c) They were going to lose some land to road development.
(d) Their house was too small.

4. Why didn't Marley fit into the Boca Raton scene?
(a) The city had a bylaw about large dogs.
(b) It was populated by tiny pampered dogs and pampered people.
(c) Labs were not "cool" dogs in Boca Raton.
(d) There was no room for him to exercise.

5. Marley recovered from the digestive crisis and was soon recuperating. What incident told John that Marley was on the road to recovery?
(a) All the dog wanted to do was play with the kids.
(b) Marley took off and ran around the property for hours.
(c) He caught Marley stealing a Rice Krispies Treat.
(d) The dog went swimming in the pond.

6. What did the Grogans decide to do during their first spring in the north?
(a) Get some sheep.
(b) Get some cows.
(c) Get some chickens.
(d) Get some goats.

7. In Chapter 27, Marley went to stay at the vet's for the Christmas week. Where did the family go?
(a) Philadelphia.
(b) Disneyland.
(c) Disney World.
(d) New York City.

8. What did the Grogans name their third child?
(a) Cayleigh.
(b) Catherine.
(c) Colleen.
(d) Charlene.

9. What had happened in that town on September 11, 2001?
(a) A jet crashed in a field there.
(b) A jet crashed into an army post.
(c) The FBI caught a celll of international terrorists.
(d) Terrorists took over the government buildings.

10. J.I. Rodale was the leader in the back-to-the-earth movement in the 1960s. What magazine did he publish?
(a) Organic Gardening.
(b) Earth Mother North.
(c) Back to the Earth.
(d) Lawn and Garden.

11. What did John and Marley use to take a wild ride down their snow covered hill?
(a) A sled.
(b) A large piece of cardboard.
(c) An aluminum saucer.
(d) A toboggan.

12. What caused Marley to be forever banned from Dog Beach?
(a) He bit a man.
(b) He chased a toddler.
(c) He urinated, vomited, and defecated where he wasn't supposed to.
(d) He swam out of his depth and had to be rescued.

13. What did John realize as he sat at the site of the 9/11 second anniversary?
(a) That he would have to quit writing.
(b) That everyone lives on borrowed time, including Marley.
(c) That he would get another dog before Marley died.
(d) That he would keep Marley alive at all costs.

14. Why were the news media at the hospital when their second baby was born?
(a) The millionth baby born in Florida was born there that day.
(b) A celebrity's wife was having a baby, too.
(c) They were doing a feature on natural childbirth.
(d) There had been a kidnapping.

15. Eating outside was a big part of the restaurant scene in Boca Raton. How did this turn into a disaster for the Grogans?
(a) Marley got loose and grabbed food off people's plates.
(b) Marley scared a little girl who wouldn't stop screaming.
(c) Marley dragged a table right through a restaurant eating area.
(d) Marley bit a customer at the next table.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens at the end of Chapter 19 that makes John rethink Marley's reactions to thunderstorms?

2. John had a quiet fortieth birthday but what happened a few days later?

3. Not long after moving north, John noticed a change in Marley. What was it?

4. Who came to help out after Jenny got home from the hospital?

5. In chapter 19, what did John say was becoming a serious hobby?

(see the answer keys)

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