Marley and Me Test | Final Test - Easy

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marley and Me Test | Final Test - Easy

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the Grogans really want for their third child?
(a) That it be born soon after the second child.
(b) That it be female.
(c) That it be male.
(d) That it be born five years or more after the second child.

2. When Jenny returned after her twelve day stay in the hospital, what were the doctor's orders?
(a) She had to stay in bed and can only get up for bathroom breaks.
(b) She had to check in at the hospital once a day.
(c) She had to stay in bed and was not allowed up for any reason.
(d) She had to stay quiet but exercise normally.

3. What did Marley destroy that John had bought to celebrate the second baby's birth?
(a) A rocking chair.
(b) A flowering shrub.
(c) A box of cigars.
(d) A picture frame for the new baby's photo.

4. John had a quiet fortieth birthday but what happened a few days later?
(a) Jenny organized a surprise party for him.
(b) He got a job promotion.
(c) He went out for dinner with a lot of friends.
(d) Jenny told him she was pregnant.

5. John phoned Jenny in Boston about Marley's digestive system condition and what did they decide to do about it?
(a) Get him into surgery as soon as possible.
(b) Take him another vet for a second opinion.
(c) Wait until Jenny and the kids returned home to decide.
(d) Let him die if that was what was inevitable.

6. J.I. Rodale was the leader in the back-to-the-earth movement in the 1960s. What magazine did he publish?
(a) Back to the Earth.
(b) Organic Gardening.
(c) Earth Mother North.
(d) Lawn and Garden.

7. Why were the Grogan kids disappointed with their first Christmas in their new northern home?
(a) They missed sunny Florida.
(b) There was no snow.
(c) They got very few presents.
(d) It was twenty below zero.

8. How much would Marley get paid for the movie he was in?
(a) $10 an hour.
(b) Nothing.
(c) $1500.
(d) $1000.

9. Not long after moving north, John noticed a change in Marley. What was it?
(a) Marley was having trouble chewing.
(b) Marley had hardly any energy.
(c) Marley was having trouble seeing.
(d) Marley was losing his hearing.

10. What did John realize as he sat at the site of the 9/11 second anniversary?
(a) That he would get another dog before Marley died.
(b) That he would have to quit writing.
(c) That everyone lives on borrowed time, including Marley.
(d) That he would keep Marley alive at all costs.

11. What happens at the end of Chapter 19 that makes John rethink Marley's reactions to thunderstorms?
(a) A hurricane blew through.
(b) A pole at the back of the house was struck by lightning.
(c) Marley was permanently deafened by thunder.
(d) A tornado blew through.

12. Why did the Grogans take Marley to his last visit to the vet?
(a) They couldn't detect a heartbeat.
(b) He was coughing up blood.
(c) He was gasping for air.
(d) His intestinal condition had returned again.

13. What did John tell himself was the reason for Marley's behavior at Dog Beach?
(a) Marley was getting old.
(b) Marley was just reacting to uptight people.
(c) Marley had diminished mental capacity.
(d) Marley just wanted to have fun.

14. What did the Grogans decide to do during their first spring in the north?
(a) Get some chickens.
(b) Get some sheep.
(c) Get some cows.
(d) Get some goats.

15. In chapter 24, John told the reader how Marley had aged. How old was Marley at this point?
(a) Ten.
(b) Six.
(c) Twelve.
(d) Eight.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did John decide to do that took him to a place called Emmaus?

2. Marley developed another health issue as he got older that stopped him from getting around. What did he develop?

3. What happened on their way home from the Grogans' Christmas vacation?

4. What did John and Marley use to take a wild ride down their snow covered hill?

5. Why were the news media at the hospital when their second baby was born?

(see the answer keys)

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