Marley and Me Test | Final Test - Easy

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marley and Me Test | Final Test - Easy

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What book by Barbara Woodhouse did John borrow to help him modify Marley's behavior?
(a) Train Your Dog Overnight.
(b) Dog Don'ts for Ditzes.
(c) No Bad Dogs.
(d) Dogs Are for Keeps.

2. Marley developed another health issue as he got older that stopped him from getting around. What did he develop?
(a) An infected paw that wouldn't heal.
(b) Curvature of the spine.
(c) Myopia.
(d) Arthritis.

3. What did most of the Grogans' friends think about John and Jenny's expecting their third child?
(a) That they would regret it.
(b) That they must have planned it.
(c) That it was wonderful.
(d) That it was an accident.

4. What is one difference between the English Lab and the American Lab?
(a) The American Lab is smaller.
(b) American Labs are not considered a real breed.
(c) English Labs are never black.
(d) The English Lab is smaller.

5. What did John tell himself was the reason for Marley's behavior at Dog Beach?
(a) Marley was just reacting to uptight people.
(b) Marley was getting old.
(c) Marley had diminished mental capacity.
(d) Marley just wanted to have fun.

6. What did Jenny want Marley to experience when they moved north?
(a) Other dogs his size.
(b) Quiet country roads.
(c) The falling of leaves in autumn.
(d) A winter blizzard.

7. What had John hoped to find that day on September 11, 2003?
(a) A way to work out his grief over 9/11.
(b) The meaning of life.
(c) Peace.
(d) A story he could write with a fresh angle.

8. J.I. Rodale was the leader in the back-to-the-earth movement in the 1960s. What magazine did he publish?
(a) Earth Mother North.
(b) Back to the Earth.
(c) Lawn and Garden.
(d) Organic Gardening.

9. As Marley aged, what part of the house gave him real problems?
(a) The back door.
(b) The crowded kitchen.
(c) The stairs.
(d) The family room.

10. What conclusion did John arrive at by reading Woodhouse's book?
(a) That Marley was mentally unstable.
(b) That Woodhouse would be able to help Marley.
(c) That Woodhouse didn't know anything about dogs.
(d) That Marley needed constant supervision.

11. How did the director want Marley to be trained for the movie he was in?
(a) He just wanted Marley to be himself.
(b) He had two professional trainers for Marley.
(c) He trained Marley himself.
(d) Marley would be tranquilized.

12. What was true about the majority of beaches in South Florida when the Grogans lived there?
(a) They were private.
(b) They had banned dogs.
(c) They were polluted.
(d) They were open to pets.

13. What did John do two months after first going to Emmaus?
(a) He began a new career as a motivational speaker in Ohio.
(b) Quit his job and took up organic gardening in Vermont.
(c) He joined a rock group in New Hampshire.
(d) He moved his family there.

14. Marley's aging prompted John to find a new job. What was it?
(a) A writing job as a newspaper columnist.
(b) A college teacher.
(c) The editor of a major city newspaper.
(d) The editor of a magazine about pets.

15. Why didn't Marley fit into the Boca Raton scene?
(a) The city had a bylaw about large dogs.
(b) Labs were not "cool" dogs in Boca Raton.
(c) There was no room for him to exercise.
(d) It was populated by tiny pampered dogs and pampered people.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens at the end of Chapter 19 that makes John rethink Marley's reactions to thunderstorms?

2. What challenge did the Grogans face after the arrival of their second child?

3. What did the Grogans name their second son?

4. John built a shelter for the farm animals. Why did he include a door that could be closed at night?

5. When they decided to move, what did John and Jenny realize they would not miss about Florida?

(see the answer keys)

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