Marley and Me Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marley and Me Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Twenty-eight: Beneath the Cherry Trees and Chapter Twenty-nine: The Bad Dog Club.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Marley was ready to join John and Jenny at home, John was glad Jenny would be away. Why?
(a) He knew Jenny was nervous with puppies.
(b) He wanted to male-bond with Marley.
(c) He was afraid Jenny would send Marley back.
(d) He wanted Marley to get used to one person at a time.

2. What was the style of the Grogans' new house in Boca Rotan?
(a) A four bedroom ranch.
(b) A condo townhouse.
(c) A three bedroom bungalow.
(d) A two storey Cape Cod.

3. What did John say when he stepped out into the waiting area holding a "tiny swaddled football"?
(a) It's a boy!
(b) Es el nino!
(c) C'est un garcon!
(d) I'm glad it's over!

4. According to John, which of the following statements would be false regarding Labs?
(a) They are working dogs.
(b) They are loyal.
(c) They are not good with people.
(d) They are very strong.

5. How did John find out about Dog Beach?
(a) He heard about it while trying to find ideas for articles.
(b) It was featured on a TV show.
(c) His neighbor told him about it.
(d) It was advertised in the newspaper.

Short Answer Questions

1. How could the Grogans' new home in a northern State be described?

2. What gift to Jenny did Marley eat that had John watching the dog's bowel movements for a few days?

3. Where did John and Jenny take Marley to teach him retrieving?

4. What advice does John give the reader about getting a dog?

5. What happened to Jenny at the beginning of Chapter 14?

(see the answer key)

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