Marjorie Morningstar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marjorie Morningstar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Uncle Samson die of?
(a) A heart attack.
(b) Strangulation.
(c) Choking on a hot dog.
(d) A strange bite.

2. Who is Maxwell Greech?
(a) The manager of South Wind.
(b) The head of human resources at South Wind.
(c) An agent who hangs around South Wind.
(d) The janitor at South Wind.

3. What is Marjorie going to school to become in Part 1?
(a) A sculptor.
(b) A doctor.
(c) A teacher.
(d) An architect.

4. What is Sandy's last name?
(a) Gunn.
(b) Grover.
(c) Goldenplatt.
(d) Goldstone.

5. According to Noel, why is his father disappointed in him?
(a) He is not athletic.
(b) He is not ruthless enough.
(c) He has not accomplished as much as his father has.
(d) He failed law school.

6. What kind of school does Marjorie attend in Chapter 1?
(a) An ivy league university.
(b) An art school.
(c) A public college.
(d) A cram school.

7. Who is Billy Ehrmann's brother?
(a) Noel Aiden.
(b) Noel Aaron.
(c) Noel Airman.
(d) Noel Aiken.

8. What season is it in Chapter 4?
(a) Winter.
(b) Summer.
(c) Autumn.
(d) Spring.

9. Where is Marjorie taking acting classes in Chapter 4?
(a) Harvard.
(b) Brown.
(c) NYU and Columbia.
(d) Yale.

10. Who is the author of "Marjorie Morningstar"?
(a) Joseph Conrad.
(b) Joseph Heller.
(c) Herman Wouk.
(d) George Orwell.

11. How does Marjorie feel about George?
(a) Her feelings for him have waned as of late.
(b) She is slowly beginning to see him as more than a friend.
(c) She is steadfastly in love with him.
(d) She dislikes him but is afraid to say so.

12. How is Uncle Samson-Aaron described?
(a) As being an impeccable dresser.
(b) As a quiet and extremely private shut-in.
(c) As a dashing but selfish bachelor.
(d) As being a buffoon and a ne-er do well.

13. Where does Marjorie join a dramatic group in Chapter 12?
(a) In the basement of a church in the Bronx.
(b) An ex-actor's studio space.
(c) At the local elementary school on weekends.
(d) The local Y.

14. How does George feel about Marjorie?
(a) He is thoroughly in love with her.
(b) He thinks she is beautiful but is mostly indifferent towards her.
(c) He dislikes her.
(d) He thinks she is nice, but in a platonic way.

15. How does Marjorie react to George declining the invitation?
(a) She does not react with any emotion.
(b) She is relieved.
(c) She is angry.
(d) She is sad.

Short Answer Questions

1. What outdoor activity does Marjorie do in Chapter 2?

2. What does Marjorie realize during her epiphany in Chapter 1?

3. Why does Marsha ask Marjorie for a letter of introduction to Sandy Goldstone?

4. What is Marsha's job in Chapter 6?

5. Why does Marjorie decide to accept her parents bribe?

(see the answer keys)

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