Marat / Sade Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marat / Sade Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is something that Sade claims the hypothetical Revolutionaries expect from the Revolution?
(a) A bigger house.
(b) A milder summer.
(c) New shoes.
(d) Bags of gold.

2. Who interrupts the song several times during the Epilogue?
(a) Roux.
(b) Marat.
(c) Sade.
(d) Coulmier.

3. What two things does Corday claim Marat wants in Scene 17?
(a) Anonymity and peace.
(b) Anarchy and confusion.
(c) Law and order.
(d) Wealth and preference.

4. What are the fates of both Duperret and Corday after Marat's murder?
(a) They are executed.
(b) They go into hiding.
(c) The are exiled from France.
(d) They are given positions in Danton's government.

5. In Scene 30, how does Corday respond to Duperret's entreaty to leave Paris?
(a) She agrees.
(b) She calls the police to her assistance.
(c) She kicks him.
(d) She kisses him goodbye.

6. Which character does not sing at all during the play?
(a) Corday.
(b) Duperret.
(c) Cucurucu.
(d) Marat.

7. Which of the following groups is not one that Coulmier interrupts the play to defend?
(a) The post-Revolutionary politicians.
(b) The high academics.
(c) The soldiers.
(d) The priests.

8. According to the Herald in Scene 31, what does Sade intend to show Marat before the murder?
(a) Compassion.
(b) The future.
(c) The full conspiracy against him.
(d) The afterlife.

9. Which of the following is something that Coulmier claims is absent in 1808?
(a) Violent crimes.
(b) Social inequity.
(c) Pestilence.
(d) Starvation.

10. Why do the people love Marat, according to Sade in the beginning of Scene 20?
(a) He will die for them.
(b) He will speak for them.
(c) He will fight for them.
(d) He will suffer for them.

11. What does Sade say is essential to any real revolution in Scene 30?
(a) Leadership.
(b) Copulation.
(c) A goal.
(d) Blood.

12. How many years does the Interruptus cover?
(a) 15.
(b) 25.
(c) 18.
(d) 4.

13. As a judge in Revolutionary tribunals, what does Sade find himself unable to do?
(a) Stay awake.
(b) Look victims in the eyes.
(c) Sentence men to death.
(d) Show mercy.

14. In appeasing Coulmier in Scene 18, which is not a group to which the Singers pledge fidelity?
(a) Generals.
(b) Kings.
(c) Bishop.
(d) Napoleon.

15. According to Marat in Scene 27, what has the Minister of War sold to France's enemies?
(a) Corn.
(b) State secrets.
(c) His chateau.
(d) Arms.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is in charge of France at the end of the Interruptus narrative?

2. Where did Corday spend her youth?

3. At the end of Scene 16, the Harald claims the players want to see the people live in harmony with what?

4. What is Sade doing in the final moments of the play?

5. Who separates Duperrat and Corday when the former begins to molest the latter?

(see the answer keys)

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