Marat / Sade Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marat / Sade Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What institution's sacking does Sade recall witnessing in this section?
(a) A library.
(b) An art museum.
(c) A manor.
(d) A convent.

2. According to Corday in Scene 29, who fills the prisons of Paris?
(a) Charlatans and rakes.
(b) Her friends.
(c) Martyrs.
(d) Innocent men.

3. When Coulmier interrupts Roux in Scene 19, what does he claim everyone in modern-day France is?
(a) A nationalist.
(b) A revolutionary.
(c) A millionaire.
(d) A peacemaker.

4. In appeasing Coulmier in Scene 18, which is not a group to which the Singers pledge fidelity?
(a) Napoleon.
(b) Kings.
(c) Bishop.
(d) Generals.

5. Why do the people love Marat, according to Sade in the beginning of Scene 20?
(a) He will die for them.
(b) He will fight for them.
(c) He will speak for them.
(d) He will suffer for them.

6. In the Singers' Scene 21 song, what has just been destroyed?
(a) Corday's carriage.
(b) Marat's printing press.
(c) The central guillotine scaffold.
(d) Marat's front door.

7. Who whips Sade in Scene 20?
(a) A male nurse.
(b) Polpoch.
(c) Roux.
(d) Corday.

8. What was the subject of the suppressed work that Marat describes in Scene 28?
(a) The soul.
(b) Slavery.
(c) Social action.
(d) Death.

9. In Scene 25, Which of the following roles is not one that Simone claims petitioners expect Marat to enact?
(a) Doctor.
(b) Lawyer.
(c) Confessor.
(d) Father.

10. At the end of Scene 27, what does Duperret demand replace hysteria and fanaticism?
(a) Beauty and concord.
(b) Love and tenderness.
(c) Calm and analysis.
(d) Reconciliation and empathy.

11. Who is the first voice from Marat's past to speak in Scene 26?
(a) His schoolmaster.
(b) His father.
(c) A military representative.
(d) His mother.

12. Into what does Roux demand the churches of France be converted?
(a) Schools.
(b) Housing.
(c) Soup kitchens.
(d) Museums.

13. Which of the following is something that Coulmier claims is absent in 1808?
(a) Social inequity.
(b) Pestilence.
(c) Starvation.
(d) Violent crimes.

14. According to the Singers at the end of Scene 25, what can Marat not cure?
(a) All social ills.
(b) His own disease.
(c) The cancer on the National Assembly.
(d) A beheaded aristocrat.

15. Near the end of Scene 27, what word does Marat say should be abolished?
(a) Dictator.
(b) Want.
(c) God.
(d) Wealth.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following body parts is not one Corday mentions still having life after beheading in Scene 29?

2. What does Sade say is essential to any real revolution in Scene 30?

3. In Scene 28, Sade says that he wrote his lost masterpiece on what?

4. At the end of Scene 28, the Singers complain that Marat's writings have done what to France?

5. In Scene 27, to whom does Marat accuse the generals of being loyal?

(see the answer keys)

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