Marat / Sade Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marat / Sade Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What affliction begins to show itself in Sade as he is whipped?
(a) Incontinence.
(b) Asthma.
(c) Profuse sweating.
(d) Heart palpitations.

2. What doe the Singers complain still goes on in secret at the end of Scene 24?
(a) Slavery.
(b) Nepotism.
(c) Corruption.
(d) Torture.

3. Who begins throwing items at the nurses during the Epilogue?
(a) Herald.
(b) Marat.
(c) Duperret.
(d) Corday.

4. Which of the following vocations is not mentioned among Sage's eight fictional artisans in Scene 24?
(a) A wine-maker.
(b) A masseuse.
(c) A cobbler.
(d) A cook.

5. What is the forbidden word that that Duperret says France is speaking at the end of Scene 17?
(a) Freedom.
(b) Monarchy.
(c) Marat.
(d) Peace.

6. Who do the Singers say speaks for all of France?
(a) Sade.
(b) No one.
(c) Napoleon.
(d) Marat.

7. What two things does Corday claim Marat wants in Scene 17?
(a) Law and order.
(b) Anarchy and confusion.
(c) Anonymity and peace.
(d) Wealth and preference.

8. According to the Herald in Scene 31, what does Sade intend to show Marat before the murder?
(a) Compassion.
(b) The full conspiracy against him.
(c) The future.
(d) The afterlife.

9. Who interrupts the song several times during the Epilogue?
(a) Sade.
(b) Marat.
(c) Roux.
(d) Coulmier.

10. How do the Singers say they will impart the words they cannot speak freely?
(a) Keep them to themselves.
(b) Breathe them in our ear.
(c) Shout them from the rafters.
(d) Carve them into our skin.

11. What affliction of Marat does the Schoolmaster mock in Scene 26?
(a) A chronic fever.
(b) A lisp.
(c) A skin disease.
(d) A stutter.

12. In Scene 18, for what group does Marat say the Revolution was fought?
(a) The politicians.
(b) The poor.
(c) Merchants.
(d) The military.

13. Which French Minister does Marat accuse of counterfeiting banknotes?
(a) The Minister of Commerce.
(b) The Minister of Finance.
(c) The Minister of Labor.
(d) The Minister of Trade.

14. Which character does not sing at all during the play?
(a) Cucurucu.
(b) Corday.
(c) Duperret.
(d) Marat.

15. At the end of Scene 16, the Harald claims the players want to see the people live in harmony with what?
(a) The Church.
(b) The military.
(c) Government.
(d) Aristocrats.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of Scene 28, the Singers complain that Marat's writings have done what to France?

2. Which of the following body parts is not one Corday mentions still having life after beheading in Scene 29?

3. Which of the following inmates is strait-jacketed throughout the entire play?

4. Which of the following is not something that Duperret accuses Mara of being in Scene 17?

5. What is Sade doing in the final moments of the play?

(see the answer keys)

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