Mao II Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mao II Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charles want to speak to Bill about?
(a) An urgent matter.
(b) His third book.
(c) His father.
(d) His finances.

2. What famous building can Brita see form her apartment window?
(a) The FBI Building.
(b) The World Trade Building.
(c) The Empire State Building.
(d) The Trump Tower.

3. What does Bill say Charlie was guilty of being?
(a) His best friend.
(b) His agent.
(c) His editor.
(d) His enemy.

4. What is Bil doing outside the bathroom window?
(a) Chopping wood.
(b) Jogging.
(c) Doing stretching exercises.
(d) Reading a book.

5. What does Brita take from Bill's work room?
(a) A piece of paper.
(b) A cigarette.
(c) A pen.
(d) A book.

6. What does Scott needle Bill about?
(a) His slowness.
(b) The poor quality of his writing.
(c) The sexuality of his daughter.
(d) His poor dress sense.

7. Why does the man go back to his desk?
(a) For cigarettes.
(b) For tissues.
(c) For a phone.
(d) For paper.

8. What does Scott say someone sent Bill in the mail in the sixties?
(a) A severed nose.
(b) A severed finger.
(c) A severed ear.
(d) A severed toe.

9. For what is the man at the window waiting to appear?
(a) A taxi.
(b) A bicycle.
(c) A car.
(d) A plane.

10. What does Charles say kept buzzing in his head when he went home to sleep after a night out in the fifties?
(a) Talk.
(b) Laughter.
(c) Screams.
(d) Music.

11. Where does the marriage take place?
(a) The Yankee Stadium.
(b) The Redskin Stadium.
(c) The Giant's Stadium.
(d) The Mets Stadium.

12. Which of Bill's wives does Bill say Charlie should have married?
(a) Helen.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Peta.
(d) Denise.

13. From whom was Karen on the run?
(a) Doctors.
(b) Reverend Moon.
(c) Her family.
(d) Kim.

14. In which country is the young man being held hostage?
(a) Iraq.
(b) Palestine.
(c) Afghanistan.
(d) Lebanon.

15. Of whom does Brita like to take photographs?
(a) Writers.
(b) Prisoners.
(c) Homeless people.
(d) Lovers.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Karen describe her mother's stare?

2. In what part of New York City is the publishing house located?

3. What kind of logic does Karen say her father will be using?

4. From what is Bill's jacket made?

5. How does Brita feel as she is setting up the camera?

(see the answer keys)

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