Many Lives, Many Masters Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Brian L. Weiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Many Lives, Many Masters Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Brian L. Weiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During this session Catherine is being mistreated by someone, who is it?
(a) her father
(b) Dr. Weiss
(c) a person from a past life
(d) her boyfriend - Stuart

2. When Catherine says, "'I am aware of a bright light. It's wonderful; you get energy from this light,'" what event is she talking about?
(a) a near death experience
(b) death
(c) the hypnotic state
(d) life in the womb

3. To experience an in between state, Catherine must first do what?
(a) Hear a particular phase
(b) Tell Dr. Weiss something about his past
(c) Tell a life story
(d) Go through a past life

4. The Master relates that as humans, we are never really __________.
(a) honest
(b) born
(c) happy
(d) understood

5. Catherine explains that her last life was more difficult because she lacks faith in what or whom?
(a) those around her
(b) the Masters
(c) her father
(d) God

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Catherine tell Dr. Weiss she is going?

2. Cathrine weeps as she relates what traumatic event?

3. In some sessions Catherine's voice changes, but Dr. Weiss does not believe it is the Masters speaking, what does he believe this is?

4. One of the Masters talks to Dr. Weiss in this session, what is he called?

5. At this point in the book Dr. Weiss wonders how much longer the sessions will continue because of what factor?

Short Essay Questions

1. In this chapter what does the poet Master discuss with Dr. Weiss?

2. Why does Dr. Weiss think that Catherine's discussion of spiritual planes, and intuition is important?

3. What do you think is the importance of the fact that Catherine says she has had 86 past lives?

4. What do the improvements he sees in Catherine cause Dr. Weiss to consider?

5. What observation does Dr. Weiss make about the lives that Catherine relives in relation to famous individuals?

6. How does Catherine describe her relationship with the Masters?

7. Why are the vivid details which Catherine supplies significant to Dr. Weiss?

8. Does Dr. Weiss think that these sessions are changing him, and if so, how?

9. How does Catherine tell Dr. Weiss it is possible to move to higher planes in the spirit world?

10. Describe Carl Jung's ideas that Dr. Weiss discusses.

(see the answer keys)

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