Man's Search for Meaning Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man's Search for Meaning Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Experiences in a Concentration Camp" (through page 72).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What symptom characterizes the first mental phase of prisoners in concentration camps?
(a) Grief.
(b) Fatigue.
(c) Depression.
(d) Shock.

2. What happens when the author was outside of the camp fences burying dead bodies?
(a) An earthquake destroys much of the camp.
(b) An SS officer discovers his plot to escape, and comes out to beat him.
(c) A delegate from the Red Cross arrives to liberate the prisoners.
(d) He falls and breaks his leg.

3. How does the author describe the Capos?
(a) "Many Capos fared better in camp than they had in their entire lives."
(b) "The Capos were miserable, knowing that they had betrayed their people."
(c) "The Capos enjoyed life in the prisons, and took pleasure in the humiliation of others."
(d) "The Capos lived in fear, knowing that they could be stripped of their privileges at any moment."

4. How did prisoners experience beauty?
(a) They experienced it intensely.
(b) The SS officers made light of their lack of sensibility when surrounded by beauty in nature.
(c) They discussed beautiful art that they had seen outside the camp.
(d) Their lives were too focused on primitive needs to worry about such things.

5. How did Frankl respond to an SS officer who called him a pig, and asked him what his profession was?
(a) He told him he was a doctor who did charitable work.
(b) He argued that it was none of his business, and then tried to hit him.
(c) He refused to speak.
(d) He said he had been a psychiatrist, and understood perfectly what his issues were.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the prison car that Frankl took pass?

2. Why were camp inmates frightened of decisions?

3. How did Frankl earn the favor of "The Murderous Capo"?

4. What is the principal question that the author tries to address?

5. What is the "delusion of reprieve"?

(see the answer key)

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