Manhunt Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Manhunt Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Casey sending men to Alex's house in Chapter 5?
(a) To do some landscaping.
(b) To build her an outhouse.
(c) To move her furniture.
(d) To tow her car.

2. How does she react to the carpenters' comments?
(a) She is badly hurt.
(b) She is touched.
(c) She is confused.
(d) She is angry.

3. After Alex has arranged the cabin, what is she glad about?
(a) Alex is glad to be independent again.
(b) Alex is glad to be able to relax in her own space.
(c) Alex is glad to be out from under Casey's feet.
(d) Alex is glad to be away from her former life.

4. Why is Casey in a hurry to get to work in Chapter 5?
(a) The workers have gone on strike.
(b) A pilot has called in sick.
(c) A plane has been damaged.
(d) Casey is late for a meeting.

5. What does Alex find at Casey's house when she is picking up Bruno?
(a) A love letter.
(b) A diamond ring.
(c) A suspicious receipt.
(d) A carton of sour milk.

6. What does Bruno do while he waits for Alex to return home from work in Chapter 8?
(a) Sleeps.
(b) Sits at the end of the driveway.
(c) Bruno paces in front of the window.
(d) Whimpers at the door.

7. How has Andy handled the changes at the store?
(a) He has embraced them enthusiastically.
(b) He has resisted them.
(c) He has ignored them completely.
(d) He has accepted them begrudgingly.

8. At the store, who tells Alex that he is not married?
(a) A local.
(b) A customer.
(c) A plumber.
(d) An electrician.

9. What does Casey vow to do for Alex after they make love?
(a) Marry Alex.
(b) Find Alex a suitable man to marry.
(c) Escort her back to New Jersey.
(d) Help Alex with the store.

10. What does Alex wish she knew how to work?
(a) The woodstove in her cabin.
(b) The lock on her cabin door.
(c) The chainsaw at the store.
(d) The fancy flashlight that Casey gave her.

11. When Alex meets Casey in the woods, why is he heading to her house?
(a) To take Bruno for a walk.
(b) To bring Alex coffee.
(c) To invite Alex over for dinner.
(d) To see why there is smoke coming from the cabin.

12. Why does Alex find it difficult to start her kerosene heater in Chapter 8?
(a) Alex broke her thumb at work.
(b) Alex doesn't know how to use the heater.
(c) The heater is broken.
(d) Alex's fingers are frozen stiff.

13. What idea makes Casey crazy with worry in Chapter 7?
(a) Alex's plan to move back to New Jersey.
(b) Alex's plan to marry Casey.
(c) Alex's plan to go on a blind date.
(d) Alex's plan to use artificial insemination.

14. What does Alex allow Harry to do in Chapter 8?
(a) Move back into the cabin.
(b) Spend one night at the cabin.
(c) Take over the store.
(d) Rearrange things in the store.

15. Where had Casey been for the last three days before his visit to Alex's store in Chapter 6?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) New Jersey.
(c) Seattle.
(d) Vancouver.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 5, what sight does Casey find very provocative?

2. What is Alex convinced of when Casey leaves her room after they make love for the third time?

3. What is under the tarp that Casey gives Alex?

4. What does Alex look forward to in Chapter 5?

5. What color is Casey's hair?

(see the answer keys)

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