The Manchurian Candidate Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Manchurian Candidate Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The candidates take the stage, and what does Raymond's mother surreptitiously give Johnny Iselin?
(a) A kiss.
(b) A note.
(c) A sedative to calm his nerves.
(d) Poison.

2. What does Raymond begin to remember?
(a) The murders in Korea.
(b) All of his murders.
(c) Being brainwashed.
(d) His first relationship with Jocie.

3. What do the Soviets do when word of the wedding reaches them?
(a) They tell Raymond's mother to murder him.
(b) They tell Raymond's mother.
(c) They plot to destroy Raymond.
(d) They meet with the Chinese.

4. Why does Raymond's mother storm out of her brother's home in Italy?
(a) She insists to the press that the embassy is under Communist directive.
(b) She realizes he is trying to murder her.
(c) He kicks her out.
(d) He is not as powerful as she had hoped.

5. What will serve as a reunion between Raymond and Jocie?
(a) A costume ball.
(b) A welcome home dinner.
(c) An evening at the theater.
(d) A private dinner.

6. What does Senator Jordan further state?
(a) He will be Iselin's right hand man in his run for office.
(b) He has not seen her husband this evening.
(c) He will instigate impeachment proceedings against Iselin if his name is brought forward for the vice-presidency at the party's convention.
(d) He is not feeling well.

7. How must Marco appear?
(a) Eager to act, but is careful to slow his agents' progress in relocating Shaw.
(b) Normal.
(c) Unwiling to act, but eager to speed up his agents' progress in finding Raymond.
(d) Eager to act.

8. When did Raymond's mother discover her son was the assassin?
(a) At his check-up.
(b) When she told the Chinese she wanted an assassin.
(c) At her first meeting with the Chinese and Russians.
(d) During her first telephone conversation with Chunjin.

9. How does Raymond's mother get him to agree to meet her for lunch the next day?
(a) She offers her son a "leaked" story for the press.
(b) She blackmails him.
(c) She misses him.
(d) She tells him she wants to congratulate him on his marriage.

10. When does Marco enter the box?
(a) He never enters the box.
(b) Ahead of his agents.
(c) After his agents.
(d) With his agents.

11. When Raymond arrives at the house, of what does his mother inform him?
(a) Jocie's plane ran late, but that she is next door getting dressed for the party.
(b) Jocie is no longer coming.
(c) The party has been cancelled.
(d) He must play solitaire.

12. What has Shaw been having?
(a) Stomach pains.
(b) Headaches.
(c) Dinner with his mother.
(d) Nightmares.

13. How does Raymond respond when Marco calls him?
(a) Surprised.
(b) Excitedly.
(c) In a desperate panic.
(d) Sleepily.

14. What do Raymond and Jocie do?
(a) They enter the party.
(b) Sneak out of the party and immediately leave town to get married.
(c) They argue.
(d) They plot his next murder.

15. What does Raymond begin playing?
(a) A board game.
(b) Golf.
(c) Cards.
(d) A video game.

Short Answer Questions

1. With Jocie's imminent homecoming, Raymond now has what?

2. When did this take place?

3. What does the inebriated Mrs. Iselin proceed to do?

4. In what does Chunjin insist on driving his boss?

5. Shaw is immediately overcome with grief. What does he then do?

(see the answer keys)

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