The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the main character compensate for his/her disorder?
(a) Requesting brain surgery
(b) By constructing a wheelchair that compensates
(c) By constructing a prosthesis that compensates
(d) By constructing a pair of glasses that compensate

2. What is the main character's affliction?
(a) Neither Congenital Blindness nor Cerebral Palsy
(b) Congential Blindness and Cerebral Palsy
(c) Only Congenital Blindness
(d) Only Cerebral Palsy

3. How does the remedy work?
(a) It helps him/her go the bathroom properly
(b) It helps him/her to be independent
(c) It helps him/her with personal hygiene
(d) It increases the amount of food he/she eats

4. Why would the disorder described in the chapter be a bad thing?
(a) Patients are disturbed by their false sensations.
(b) The brain does process information properly when patients feel their phantom limbs.
(c) Patients get angry when they rediscover they do not have limbs.
(d) Patients do not recover from losing a limb.

5. Sacks thinks of his patients as:
(a) Tragedies
(b) Heroes
(c) Friends
(d) Villains

6. Dr. P cannot recognize what?
(a) Faces
(b) Emotions
(c) Sounds
(d) Pictures

7. The main character in this chapter has which affliction?
(a) Hemiplegia
(b) Agnosia
(c) Prosopagnosia
(d) Aphasia

8. What word does Dr. Sacks use to describe the way the main character feels?
(a) Dispeptic
(b) Disembodied
(c) Disoriented
(d) Depressed

9. What surgery is the main character admitted into the hospital to have?
(a) Appendectomy
(b) Back surgery
(c) Gallbladder surgery
(d) Kidney transplant

10. There is a disorder where patients suddenly lose part of their memory back to a certain date or time period. What is it called?
(a) Postgrade Amensia
(b) Long-term Amnesia
(c) Retrograde Amensia
(d) Short-term Amnesia

11. What does Sacks call his chapters?
(a) Sections
(b) Chapters
(c) Stories
(d) Studies

12. The main character suffers a stroke and this affects which side of his/her brain?
(a) Neither
(b) Both
(c) The Left
(d) The Right

13. How do the main character's nurses help him/her fix his/her disability?
(a) Giving the patient electroshock therapy.
(b) Recommending surgery.
(c) Putting medicine in the patient's IV.
(d) Putting a food tray out of reach.

14. What does the main character do with this body part?
(a) Throws it out of bed
(b) Beats it until it is bruised
(c) Tries to cut it off
(d) Asks someone to amputate it

15. Why might the disorder mentioned in the chapter be a good thing?
(a) It helps patients integrate with artificial limbs.
(b) It produces a sense of euphoria by releasing chemicals in the brain.
(c) It makes patients happy through the illusion of having the lost limb.
(d) It helps patients to live longer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sacks is different from a fiction writer because:

2. What is the first man worried about?

3. Who is the main character of this chapter?

4. The main character's symptoms are:

5. Who is the main character in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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