The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What part of the main character's body does he have a problem with?
(a) His arm
(b) His hands
(c) His face
(d) His leg

2. What is a visual phantom?
(a) When a patient has hallucinations of past events.
(b) When a patient's perception is confused and they cannot navigate well.
(c) When a patient sees shapes and colors that are not there.
(d) When a patient has a persistent hallucination of a person or other being accompanying or harassing him/her.

3. The main character's affliction causes her to feel how?
(a) Somber and reflective
(b) Happy and flirtatious
(c) Sad and depressed
(d) Angry and frustrated

4. Sacks is a:
(a) Journalist
(b) Economist
(c) Philosopher
(d) Neuroscientist

5. Sacks sees himself as having what kind of personality?
(a) A Romantic
(b) A Clinician
(c) Both
(d) Neither

6. Sacks says taht for a long time which part of the brain was thought to be less complex?
(a) Parietal Lobe
(b) The right hemisphere
(c) The left hemisphere
(d) Frontal Lobe

7. The main character has which problem?
(a) Syphillis
(b) Left-side Paralysis
(c) Extreme mental images
(d) Tourette's Syndrome

8. What was the main character's old line of work that helped in compensating for the main character's disorder?
(a) Farming
(b) Aviation
(c) Pottery
(d) Carpentry

9. Which medicine is used to calm down the main character?
(a) Abilify
(b) Luvox
(c) Haldol
(d) Depicote

10. What is the name of the main character mentioned in the postscript?
(a) Miguel
(b) Jimmie G.
(c) Witty Ticcy Ray
(d) Mr. P

11. How old is the main character?
(a) Ninety-Three
(b) Ninety
(c) Seventy-Three
(d) Eighty-Three

12. In what place does Jimmie recover a part of himself?
(a) Work
(b) Chapel
(c) Home
(d) School

13. What does Sacks call his chapters?
(a) Sections
(b) Chapters
(c) Stories
(d) Studies

14. Why might the disorder mentioned in the chapter be a good thing?
(a) It helps patients integrate with artificial limbs.
(b) It makes patients happy through the illusion of having the lost limb.
(c) It produces a sense of euphoria by releasing chemicals in the brain.
(d) It helps patients to live longer.

15. How does the main character compensate for his/her disorder?
(a) By constructing a prosthesis that compensates
(b) By constructing a wheelchair that compensates
(c) Requesting brain surgery
(d) By constructing a pair of glasses that compensate

Short Answer Questions

1. Most neuroscientists thought that most neurological disorders were caused by damage to what part of the brain?

2. Patients with the main character's disorder have trouble with what?

3. The chapter covers a disorder where people who have lost limbs believe and feel that they are still there. What is this disorder called?

4. Why is the main character confused?

5. How does the remedy work?

(see the answer keys)

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