The Man-Eater of Malgudi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man-Eater of Malgudi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nataraj try to do for the poet?
(a) Nataraj invites the poet to move into the attic.
(b) Nataraj tries to convince the poet to write another book.
(c) Nataraj tries to print a delux version of the poets book.
(d) Nataraj tries to give the poet the stuffed tiger cub.

2. Why can't they change the path of the procession to avoid going by Vasu's window?
(a) It is the traditional route.
(b) They only have permits for that route.
(c) There is not other safe path for a parade to the temple.
(d) They have already decorated the route.

3. What does Nataraj wonder about his wife and Babu on the day of the celebration?
(a) All of the above.
(b) If Vasu might kidnap them and hold them ransom.
(c) If he should make them stay home so they will be safe.
(d) If they appreciate all the work he did.

4. What is the result of the police inspector's attempt to disarm Vasu?
(a) Vasu swears retribution on Nataraj and his friends.
(b) Vasu laughs at the inspector and brushes him off.
(c) The inspector has a dislocated wrist, Vasu has his guns and a broken bed.
(d) The inspector manages to take a gun, but Vasu as an illegal one still hidden in the room.

5. Which of the following best characterizes the effect of the police inspector on Vasu?
(a) Fear.
(b) Lunacy.
(c) Irritation.
(d) Intimidation.

6. What does Vasu come to talk to Nataraj about?
(a) Vasu wonders if he can use some of the outdoor space of the press for storage.
(b) Vasu wonders how the printing of his book is going.
(c) Vasu wonders why he didn't receive a notice of the celebration.
(d) Vasu wants Nataraj to fix something in the attic.

7. What sends Nataraj scurrying out of Vasu's room as the procession passes?
(a) Vasu's rage.
(b) An alarm clock.
(c) The horror at what he just did.
(d) Concern for the crowd below.

8. When Muthu comes to the press, what does he ask Nataraj for help with?
(a) Getting into Vasu's apartment.
(b) Finding a doctor for Kumar.
(c) Printing festival fliers.
(d) Framing Vasu.

9. Where does the police inspector hold the investigation into Vasu's death?
(a) None of the above.
(b) In Vasu's apartment.
(c) In Nataraj's press.
(d) In Mempi.

10. What was the town saying about Nataraj after Vasu's death?
(a) That he had saved Kumar's life.
(b) That he had killed a rakshasa single handedly.
(c) That he should leave the neighborhood.
(d) That he should be elected to public office.

11. What does Vasu want Nataraj to do for him?
(a) Print a book he is writing on the preservation of wildlife.
(b) None of the above.
(c) Fix the attic.
(d) Do a favor for the forestry officer.

12. Who killed Vasu and how?
(a) Vasu killed himself slapping mosquitos on his forehead.
(b) Rangi poisoned Vasu.
(c) Muthu and other hunters struck him while he slept.
(d) None of the above.

13. What does Vasu offer Nataraj when he hears of the celebration, and what is Nataraj's reaction?
(a) Vasu offers Nataraj a stuffed animal for his parlour and Nataraj agrees.
(b) Vasu offers to move out of the attic and Nataraj tells him he doesn't have to.
(c) Vasu offers ten rupees and Nataraj says he wants a hundred.
(d) Vasu offers Nataraj friendship and Nataraj willingly embraces it.

14. How have Sastri and Nataraj given themselves some peace from the hyena and prostitutes?
(a) By hanging a woven mat between them and the stairs.
(b) By mending relations with Vasu.
(c) By finally evicting Vasu.
(d) By inviting the police inspector around for tea on a regular basis.

15. What does Nataraj say was the greatest damage caused by the man-eater?
(a) He brought suspicion into Malgudi.
(b) He caused fear in those of good heart.
(c) He destroyed Nataraj's name, friendships, and world.
(d) He took sacred animals from the world.

Short Answer Questions

1. What strikes Nataraj about the scene when he sees Vasu?

2. What does Nataraj speak with the adjournment lawyer about in their last conversation?

3. What does Rangi tell Nataraj about Vasu?

4. What is the overriding emotion in Vasu's plans to shoot Kumar?

5. How does Nataraj cope with K.J.?

(see the answer keys)

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