Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn Test | Final Test - Easy

Karen McCarthy Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn Test | Final Test - Easy

Karen McCarthy Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the Vodou philosophy, the world is a precarious place, and it is naïve to think what?
(a) That one can navigate their life without money.
(b) That one can navigate their life without family.
(c) That one can navigate their life without God.
(d) That one can navigate their life without the labor required to usher in good luck and stave off bad luck.

2. ______________ is an elusive creature of the deep sea, a siren.
(a) Freda.
(b) Asrial.
(c) Danto.
(d) Lasyrenn.

3. Maggie tells the story of losing a ___________ (an important item in Vodou initiation rituals.) while in Haiti.
(a) Pi-tet.
(b) Po-tet.
(c) Pe-tot.
(d) Pa-tat.

4. After losing this, she subsequently had a dream of what?
(a) Being pursued by the spirits and meeting them with resistance.
(b) Snakes.
(c) Losing her daughter.
(d) Looking for the spirits.

5. Where does Papa Gede live?
(a) In the water.
(b) In the church.
(c) In the sky.
(d) In the cemetery.

6. It is noted that what was removed at the same time?
(a) Her uterus.
(b) The fetus of a partially formed twin sister.
(c) The fetus of a partially formed twin brother.
(d) Her ovaries.

7. In time, the two become friends, and she tells him what story?
(a) Of how she became a Haitian.
(b) Of how she began studying Vodou.
(c) Of how she began her work in treating people.
(d) Of how she first came to Haiti.

8. Alourdes calls who to help her daughter?
(a) Her family.
(b) Her ancestors.
(c) The spirits.
(d) Karen.

9. We learn that the main focus of Alourdes' healing energy is directed at what?
(a) The deeper issues that are uncovered during the course of her treatment.
(b) Her family.
(c) The spirits on the land.
(d) The people who live on this land.

10. What does Karen decide?
(a) She wants to study it.
(b) She wants to do it.
(c) She wants to view it.
(d) She wants to sponsor them.

11. There are ___________ levels of initiation into Vodou.
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) Five.

12. Each of these women represents a generational link in a chain that, if broken, will cause what to happen to future generations?
(a) They will lose all power.
(b) They will die.
(c) They will leave Haiti.
(d) They will lose their ancestral stories and their deepest connections to who they are.

13. Maggie is hospitalized with what?
(a) A mystery illness.
(b) Migraines.
(c) A tumor.
(d) Cancer.

14. When Karen decides to marry Papa Ogou, Alourdes tells her that she must also marry Papa Danbala. Why?
(a) So she may have two husbands.
(b) For the sake of balance.
(c) So he will not be lonely.
(d) For the sake of honor.

15. The first is a _____________ in order to dislodge the spirits in one's head.
(a) Head washing.
(b) Head cleansing.
(c) Head holding.
(d) Head healing.

Short Answer Questions

1. This spirit is never satisfied, always craving more ____________________.

2. Healers such as Alourdes are specialists who are for hire in order to do what?

3. This chapter opens with Alourdes, Karen and a Jamaican woman named Mabel traveling to Jamaica and then onto Haiti in January of _________.

4. Each of these spirits exists in close relation to one another and, when considered as a group, are able to quite accurately paint a portrait of whom?

5. This chapter is a story about the life of Alourdes' ______________, Philomise.

(see the answer keys)

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