The Making of the Atomic Bomb Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Making of the Atomic Bomb Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Ernest Lawrence win the Nobel Prize in Physics for producing a working model of the cyclotron?
(a) 1919.
(b) 1939.
(c) 1949.
(d) 1929.

2. How does Hans Bethe learn of his dismissal from Tubingen University?
(a) From the Third Reich.
(b) From a student.
(c) From Leo Szilard.
(d) From the head of the faculty.

3. When does Isador Isaac Rabi become a Nobel laureate in physics?
(a) 1944.
(b) 1939.
(c) 1936.
(d) 1944.

4. In 1939, who is pursuing atomic research in Germany?
(a) Hans Geiger.
(b) Otto Reichart.
(c) Lou Geirigh.
(d) Edward Wigner.

5. Who discovers X-rays?
(a) Ernest Rutherford.
(b) Leo Szilard.
(c) Ernest Lawrence.
(d) Wilhelm Roentgen.

6. When does the Allied campaign at the Turkish Gallipoli Peninsula begin?
(a) 1916.
(b) 1917.
(c) 1912.
(d) 1915.

7. Who is the financial mainstay of pioneering Jewish settlements in Palestine when World War I begins?
(a) Edmond de Rothchild.
(b) David Lloyd George.
(c) Andrew Carnegie.
(d) J.P. Morgan.

8. Where does Bohr teach in 1916?
(a) University of Edinburgh.
(b) University of Copenhagen.
(c) University of Berlin.
(d) University of Manchester.

9. What is the topic of one of the debates that takes place at the Solvay Conference?
(a) The structure of the proton.
(b) The nuclear chain reaction.
(c) Ionization.
(d) Relativity.

10. How much money does Leo Szilard ask the Uranium Committee for?
(a) $20,000.
(b) $10,000.
(c) $16,000.
(d) $6,000.

11. What does Leo Szilard want to use as the moderator in the nuclear chain reaction?
(a) Air.
(b) Water.
(c) Heavy water.
(d) Carbon.

12. How long does Lawrence calculate the size of the tube he needs?
(a) 1 mile.
(b) 2 miles.
(c) 100 feet.
(d) 100 yards.

13. Who provides Lise Meitner a grant to continue experimenting?
(a) Princeton Foundation.
(b) Nobel Foundation.
(c) Lewis Strauss.
(d) Neils Bohr.

14. In 1939, who is President of Carnegie Institute and is reluctant to invest in chain-reaction experiments?
(a) Andrew Carnegie.
(b) George Bush.
(c) Isador Rabi.
(d) Vannevar Bush.

15. When does World War II begin?
(a) 1934.
(b) 1931.
(c) 1935.
(d) 1939.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Max Planck discover?

2. What theory or principle does Albert Einstein not accept?

3. A part of what country does Neville Chamberlain and Hitler agree should be ceded to Germany?

4. What kind of planes does Germany use to bomb England?

5. What is the name of George Gamov's wife?

(see the answer keys)

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