The Magician's Nephew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magician's Nephew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color are Strawberry's new wings?
(a) Copper and silver
(b) Red and gold
(c) Blue and silver
(d) Copper and chestnut

2. Who is the first to wake up in the morning?
(a) They all wake at the same time
(b) Fledge
(c) Digory
(d) Polly

3. Which direction does Digory think the song in the darkness comes from?
(a) From the ground beneath him.
(b) He cannot tell.
(c) From overhead.
(d) From his left.

4. What does Aslan ask Digory to tell the other councilors?
(a) How they found the Witch
(b) What is wrong with his mother
(c) How the Witch came to Narnia
(d) Why he wants Aslan to give him something

5. What happens when Digory reaches Aslan and his council?
(a) Aslan tells the councillors to make way so that Digory can approach.
(b) Aslan and the others do not see him, so Digory has to interrupt.
(c) Aslan and the councillors turn angrily on Digory.
(d) Aslan and the others ignore Digory and start walking away.

6. What does the Cabby think has happened to them?
(a) He thinks they have fallen down some diggings for the London Underground.
(b) He knows that they are traveling by magic.
(c) He thinks they have fallen down a mineshaft.
(d) He thinks that they have died.

7. What happens to the Cabby's voice as he speaks with Aslan?
(a) It becomes deeper and more musical.
(b) His Cockney accent becomes more pronounced.
(c) It becomes slower and richer as he loses his Cockney accent.
(d) It becomes quicker and sharper.

8. At what time of day do Fledge and the children arrive back in Narnia?
(a) Just as the stars are coming out
(b) At sunset
(c) In the middle of the afternoon
(d) At midday

9. Why does the Bear fall over?
(a) He loses his balance because he is not meant to stand on his hind legs.
(b) He trips over a branch.
(c) He trips over Uncle Andrew.
(d) The other bear pushes him over.

10. How far away is the Lion from Digory and the others?
(a) Thirty yards
(b) Three yards
(c) Three hundred yards
(d) Three hundred feet

11. How many policemen does Jadis knock out using the bar from the lamp-post?
(a) Three
(b) Two
(c) One
(d) Five

12. What color are the fruits on the toffee tree?
(a) Red
(b) Green
(c) Brown
(d) White

13. Which of the following characters does not get dragged into the Wood Between the Worlds?
(a) The Witch
(b) The Cabby
(c) Uncle Andrew
(d) A policeman

14. From what did the lamp post grow?
(a) We are not told
(b) A piece of scrap metal dropped by Uncle Andrew
(c) It sprang from the ground in response to the Lion's song.
(d) The iron bar Jadis threw at the Lion

15. Why did the Cabby live in London?
(a) He could find work there, but not in the countryside where he grew up.
(b) He wanted to sing in the choir of St Paul's Cathedral.
(c) He moved there because that is where his wife's family lives.
(d) He was a Cockney born and bred and didn't want to leave London ever.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color are the apples that Digory has to pick?

2. Which of the following does Digory not see in the landscape when he looks west?

3. Which season did the Cabby find the most unpleasant for him to work in?

4. What is the first thing that Digory does in the morning?

5. What is the name of Uncle Andrew's cousin who was in the Yeomanry?

(see the answer keys)

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