The Magician's Nephew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magician's Nephew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What actions had made Uncle Andrew hate and fear animals even more than in the past?
(a) He had used animals for cruel experiments.
(b) He has always hated and feared animals, even in the past.
(c) He was once bitten by a dog he had tried to befriend.
(d) He has been influenced by Jadis more than he realises.

2. What other creatures are flying in the air with Fledge and the children?
(a) Hawks
(b) Dragons
(c) Pigeons
(d) Eagles

3. Where does the Jackdaw perch after making (or being) the First Joke?
(a) In the branch of a tree
(b) On the cab-horse's head
(c) On the back of the Lion
(d) On Digory's shoulder

4. Which animals look like trees when they first appear?
(a) The moles
(b) The birds
(c) The elephants
(d) The stags

5. Which direction does Digory think the song in the darkness comes from?
(a) From his left.
(b) He cannot tell.
(c) From the ground beneath him.
(d) From overhead.

6. How many toffees does Polly have in her pocket?
(a) Nine
(b) Ten
(c) Seven
(d) We are not told

7. Which of the following does Digory not see when he realizes the Witch has eaten an apple?
(a) He sees that her skin has turned deadly white.
(b) He sees her taking the last bite of the apple.
(c) He sees her throwing away the core.
(d) He sees the juice around her mouth.

8. What gems are used to set the crowns?
(a) Amethysts in King Frank's and diamonds in Queen Helen's
(b) Emeralds in King Frank's and rubies in Queen Helen's
(c) Rubies in King Frank's and emeralds in Queen Helen's
(d) Diamonds in King Frank's and sapphires in Queen Helen's

9. What do Digory and Polly see to the south from the air?
(a) The sea
(b) Sand
(c) Jagged mountains
(d) Moorland

10. What color are the fruits on the toffee tree?
(a) Green
(b) Brown
(c) Red
(d) White

11. What was the Cabby's wife doing when Aslan calls her into Narnia?
(a) Washing clothes
(b) Sewing shirts
(c) Making soap
(d) Baking bread

12. What is the first thing that Digory does in the morning?
(a) He eats some of the fruit from the toffee tree.
(b) He has a swim or wash in a mountain river.
(c) He has a drink from the river.
(d) He searches for the toffee tree.

13. What finally convinced all the animals that Uncle Andrew was not a tree?
(a) He began to scream and howl.
(b) He began to talk to them once he revived.
(c) Frank and Helen told them he was human.
(d) Aslan told them he was a human.

14. Which direction do the golden gates face?
(a) East
(b) West
(c) North
(d) South

15. What change comes over the smaller animals like rabbits and moles?
(a) Their ears grow longer.
(b) Their fur changes colour.
(c) They grow much larger.
(d) They grow slightly smaller.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what things from our world does Strawberry have fond memories?

2. Why wasn't Uncle Andrew able to hear the animals talking?

3. What had Fledge and Polly originally planned to do on reaching the garden?

4. What did the animals decide to call Uncle Andrew and why?

5. Why do the animals decide to plant Uncle Andrew the right way up?

(see the answer keys)

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