The Magician's Nephew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magician's Nephew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Digory and Polly see to the south from the air?
(a) Sand
(b) The sea
(c) Moorland
(d) Jagged mountains

2. Of what things from our world does Strawberry have fond memories?
(a) London and bran mash
(b) Oats and sugar
(c) Bran mash and grass
(d) Grass and sugar

3. What actions had made Uncle Andrew hate and fear animals even more than in the past?
(a) He had used animals for cruel experiments.
(b) He has been influenced by Jadis more than he realises.
(c) He has always hated and feared animals, even in the past.
(d) He was once bitten by a dog he had tried to befriend.

4. How do the members of the crowd try to attack Jadis?
(a) Somebody tries to spray her with a garden hose.
(b) They mob her, trying to kick and punch her.
(c) They don't attack her at all, because they are too frightened.
(d) They throw stones at her.

5. What does the Rabbit think that the humans are?
(a) A type of tree.
(b) A type of multicolored bird.
(c) A strange sort of animal.
(d) A type of large lettuce.

6. What does Digory do that makes him long to taste the fruit?
(a) He smells it and rubs it against his cheek.
(b) He polishes it and feels the smooth skin.
(c) He looks at it closely and smells it.
(d) He looks at all the other fruit on the tree.

7. Which facial feature does the Elephant not recognize Uncle Andrew as having?
(a) Lips
(b) Eyebrows
(c) A nose
(d) A chin

8. What change comes over the smaller animals like rabbits and moles?
(a) They grow much larger.
(b) Their ears grow longer.
(c) Their fur changes colour.
(d) They grow slightly smaller.

9. Had the Cabby ever fought before?
(a) No - he is a bit of a soft person.
(b) Yes, but only with his fists.
(c) No - he is a pacifist.
(d) Yes - he rode Strawberry's father in cavalry charges.

10. Which way is the river flowing in the new world?
(a) Towards the north
(b) Towards the west
(c) Towards the south
(d) Towards the east

11. What finally convinced all the animals that Uncle Andrew was not a tree?
(a) Frank and Helen told them he was human.
(b) Aslan told them he was a human.
(c) He began to scream and howl.
(d) He began to talk to them once he revived.

12. What gems are used to set the crowns?
(a) Diamonds in King Frank's and sapphires in Queen Helen's
(b) Amethysts in King Frank's and diamonds in Queen Helen's
(c) Rubies in King Frank's and emeralds in Queen Helen's
(d) Emeralds in King Frank's and rubies in Queen Helen's

13. What color are the apples that Digory has to pick?
(a) Red
(b) Silver
(c) Green
(d) Gold

14. What was the Cabby's wife doing when Aslan calls her into Narnia?
(a) Making soap
(b) Baking bread
(c) Washing clothes
(d) Sewing shirts

15. Why did the Cabby live in London?
(a) He moved there because that is where his wife's family lives.
(b) He was a Cockney born and bred and didn't want to leave London ever.
(c) He could find work there, but not in the countryside where he grew up.
(d) He wanted to sing in the choir of St Paul's Cathedral.

Short Answer Questions

1. What had Fledge and Polly originally planned to do on reaching the garden?

2. What happens to the Cabby's voice as he speaks with Aslan?

3. What do the children smell when Fledge lands for the night?

4. What is the name of the Cabby's wife?

5. Why do the animals decide to plant Uncle Andrew the right way up?

(see the answer keys)

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