Lysistrata Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Lysistrata Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. ____________ says she has no concerns with making this plan work with the men of Sparta.
(a) Lampito.
(b) Lysistrata.
(c) Kleonike.
(d) Myrrhine.

2. Who appears with the four police officers at the start of this part of the play?
(a) Athene.
(b) Commissioner.
(c) President.
(d) Zeus.

3. The Chorus of Women point out that the men have left Athens with ___________.
(a) Ash.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Terror.
(d) Ruins.

4. Lysistrata explains that the women must make themselves as _____________ as they can.
(a) Homely.
(b) Beautiful.
(c) Busy.
(d) Unavailable.

5. What does the Commissioner tell the officers to use in order to pry open the doors to the Akropolis?
(a) Knives.
(b) Swords.
(c) Cannons.
(d) Crowbars.

6. Lysistrata explains that her plan is to have the women abstain from ____________ in order to end the war.
(a) Sexual relations.
(b) Hair brushing.
(c) Bathing.
(d) Temple.

7. Lysistrata looks at first for a _____________ upon which to swear an oath.
(a) Child.
(b) Shield.
(c) Knife.
(d) Sword.

8. Kleonike reminds Lysistrata that women are supposed to be pretty, ornamental, and __________.
(a) Sexy.
(b) Powerful.
(c) Quiet.
(d) Loud.

9. Lysistrata says that when ___________ agrees, she is the only one who is worthy of being called a woman.
(a) Lampito.
(b) Kleonike.
(c) Myrrhine.
(d) Boiotia.

10. The Chorus of Men appears, carrying a pot containing ___________ and branches of wood.
(a) Fire.
(b) Wine.
(c) Oil.
(d) Ash.

11. The only way that Greece can attain unity and ________ is if the women take control, according to Lysistrata.
(a) Peace.
(b) Humility.
(c) Wealth.
(d) Power.

12. Lysistrata explains that withholding the _____________ means the men will be unable to go to war.
(a) Money.
(b) Sex.
(c) Temple.
(d) Children.

13. Who is the well-off young woman who decides to attend the meeting Lysistrata has called?
(a) Myrrhine.
(b) Lampito.
(c) Boiotia.
(d) Kleonike.

14. What are the women of the Chorus of Women carrying as they notice the men?
(a) Pots of fire.
(b) Blankets.
(c) Pitchers of water.
(d) Matches.

15. The men think the women's plan is a cover for a plan by _________ to empty the Athenian Treasury.
(a) Naples.
(b) Rome.
(c) Paris.
(d) Sparta.

Short Answer Questions

1. In thoughts of what does Kleonike begin to lose herself when she is talking with Lysistrata?

2. What is the Chorus of Men complaining about when they enter the second part?

3. _____________ says she will bring he men of Sparta over to her plan, and then the plan can be extended.

4. Lysistrata wraps the Commissioner up in a piece of __________ to represent a shroud.

5. The women urge themselves to have ____________ as they approach the men.

(see the answer keys)

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