Lysistrata Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lysistrata Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Commissioner says he refuses to be told to be quiet by someone wearing a ___________.
(a) Sword.
(b) Bra.
(c) Dress.
(d) Veil.

2. The women urge themselves to have ____________ as they approach the men.
(a) Peace.
(b) Power.
(c) Committment.
(d) Courage.

3. The Commissioner condemns the Chorus for fighting in the _____________.
(a) Arena.
(b) Public square.
(c) Temple.
(d) Grass.

4. The Commissioner demands to know why they women are so concerned about ____________.
(a) Money.
(b) Power.
(c) Sex.
(d) Peace.

5. Who is told to go to Sparta to spread the word about the plan of Lysistrata?
(a) Lampito.
(b) Boiotia.
(c) Myrrhine.
(d) Kleonike.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kleonike reluctantly takes hold of the _____________ with Lysistrata.

2. Who appears with the four police officers at the start of this part of the play?

3. Who is the big strapping woman who arrives in time for Lysistrata's meeting of the women of the area?

4. Lysistrata suggests they all take ______________ to seal their bargain and their plan.

5. To whom do the Women pray in order to have strength and guidance?

(see the answer key)

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