Lucy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lucy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. It is ________________ that Mariah does not see that her affluent lifestyle is destroying the environment she wants to champion.
(a) Ironic.
(b) Injust.
(c) Funny.
(d) Brutal.

2. What does Lucy tell her mother in a letter?
(a) She will come home in two years.
(b) She is getting married.
(c) She will never come home again.
(d) She will be home for Christmas.

3. What family outing do Lewis and Mariah do with their girls?
(a) Pick apples.
(b) Theme park.
(c) Hayride.
(d) Boating.

4. Who was Lucy's au pair?
(a) Maude Quick.
(b) Isabel Beaulieu.
(c) Maddie Sawyer.
(d) Giselle Concha.

5. Where does Lucy like to go that Peggy does not?
(a) A bistro.
(b) The museum.
(c) The lake.
(d) A concert.

Short Answer Questions

1. The people at the party are mostly _____________.

2. With whom had Lucy been intimate?

3. What do Lewis and Mariah argue about one night at dinner?

4. Who was Lucy's friend who was manually stimulated by the fisherman?

5. What news does the person in #130 bring to Lucy?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the reasons that Lucy does not like her mother?

2. Why do Lucy and Peggy decide to get an apartment together in spite of their waning friendship?

3. Whose side does Lucy take in the separation of Mariah and Lewis?

4. Who is Roland and how does Lucy meet him?

5. What is the content of the most recent letter Lucy has from her mother and how does she respond to it?

6. Describe Lucy's friendship on the island with a girl named Myrna and why Lucy ultimately grew jealous of her.

7. Who are Mariah's daughters and which one is Lucy's favorite?

8. How does Lucy meet Hugh?

9. Who is Peggy and why does Lucy have second thoughts about a friendship with her?

10. What do the situations with Tanner and Hugh represent in Lucy's life?

(see the answer keys)

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