Love in the Time of Cholera Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Love in the Time of Cholera Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many years were Fermina and Dr. Urbino married when the soap in the bathroom incident occurred?
(a) 15
(b) 5
(c) 20
(d) 30

2. How does Fermina treat Florentino when she comes face to face with him in the market place?
(a) Cold dismissal
(b) Warm thoughts
(c) Hugs and relief
(d) Cold language

3. Of what did Dr. Marco Aurelio Urbino die?
(a) Cholera
(b) Civil war
(c) Suicide
(d) Falling from a ladder

4. Which description below best fits Lorenzo Daza as a business man?
(a) Criminal
(b) Ethical
(c) Questionable
(d) Without reproach

5. What is the name of the harbor town that is the setting for this novel?
(a) Hildebranda
(b) Columbia
(c) Nameless
(d) Paris

6. Where does Florentino have a private room where he spends his time while waiting for Fermina to return?
(a) His uncle's business
(b) A brothel
(c) His mother's house
(d) His own home

7. What did de Saint-Amour vow to do when he reached the age of sixty?
(a) Take his own life
(b) Marry a new woman
(c) Divorce his wife
(d) Take a lover

8. What expansion has the fire department made as a direct result of his own civic contributions?
(a) New fire truck
(b) New ladder which will reach the parrot
(c) A willingness to do anything for him personally
(d) Rescues and emergency response

9. What "punishment" was inflicted upon Dr. Urbino during the argument over the soap in the bathroom?
(a) Had to move out of the bedroom
(b) Fermina left the house
(c) Had to move out of the house
(d) Fermina moved out of the bedroom

10. How did Juvenal Urbino know Jeremiah de Saint-Amour?
(a) They played chess
(b) He bought art from him
(c) They were lovers
(d) He photographed him

11. What is Juvenal Urbino's profession?
(a) Doctor
(b) Photographer
(c) Government official
(d) Artist

12. How did de Saint-Amour kill himself?
(a) Gunshot
(b) Overdose of medication
(c) Hanging
(d) Gold cyanide

13. Who besides telegraph operators helps Fermina communicate with Florentino?
(a) Fermina's uncle
(b) Fermina's cousin
(c) Florentino's cousin
(d) Florentino's uncle

14. What does Lorenzo hope will happen on the mule trek?
(a) She will take over his business
(b) She will become a woman
(c) She will forget about Florentino
(d) She will support him

15. Where does Transito send Florentino when he learns of her engagement to Dr. Urbino?
(a) To become the captain of his uncle's river boat
(b) To fight in the civil war
(c) To a writing retreat
(d) On a river voyage to take up a post in the mountains

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Dr. Urbino called to de Saint-Amour's home?

2. Who is Hildebranda Sanchez?

3. Which of the following characters was the father to the man who fell off of the ladder?

4. How old is Fermina Daza when Dr. Urbino meets her?

5. What was the fete Dr. Urbino and Fermina attended devastated by?

(see the answer keys)

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