Love Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Erich Segal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Love Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Erich Segal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what is Jenny curious?
(a) Why he is near the bottom of his class.
(b) Why he isn't either near the top or bottom instead of in the boring middle.
(c) Who is ahead of Oliver in his class.
(d) How he managed to be number one when he was working and studying.

2. How does Oliver acknowledge the gift of the money?
(a) He has his lawyer draft a loan form and signs it.
(b) He writes him an IOU.
(c) He thanks his father.
(d) He does not get any money from his father.

3. How does Oliver satisfy both of their curiosity?
(a) He learns he nudged out two women for the top position.
(b) He makes up names of people ahead of him.
(c) He finds out that a computer glitch misplaced him in the ranking.
(d) He learns who is ahead of him.

4. What does Oliver take over?
(a) The laundry.
(b) Walking the dog.
(c) Nothing, he's too busy with work.
(d) Cleaning up after dinner.

5. How does Oliver respond?
(a) His tries to call his father at Jenny's insistence.
(b) He really wants to stay in law school
(c) He is willing to join with her if they can go to the South Pacific.
(d) Refuses to attend sports events in case he would encounter his father.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jenny insist on continuing?

2. When Oliver encounters his father, what does he tell him?

3. What do they receive almost daily?

4. What does Oliver tell his father the reason is for needing the money?

5. What does Oliver turn down as a result of Jenny's illness?

Short Essay Questions

1. After graduation, where is Oliver ranked in his law class?

2. What does Oliver do after Jenny dies?

3. What does Oliver say and do when his father tells him he's sorry?

4. What did Oliver do in his second year of law school?

5. What does Jenny insist on doing at home and what is the one compromise she allows?

6. What does Oliver receive in the mail that he and Jenny fight about and how does she feel? How does he feel?

7. What does Jenny tell Oliver about her visit to the doctor?

8. What does Oliver decide shortly after they move to New York and how does Jenny feel about it?

9. What kind of place do Jenny and Oliver rent when they return to Cambridge?

10. Why does Oliver go to see his father?

(see the answer keys)

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