Lost in Yonkers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lost in Yonkers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Uncle Louie?
(a) California.
(b) New York City.
(c) France.
(d) In Guadalcanal.

2. What can Eddie not allow his mother to see?
(a) The mother he has earned.
(b) He cannot let Grandma Kurnitz see him cry.
(c) Him leaving with the boys.
(d) His anger.

3. What does Jay help Bella convey?
(a) How frustrated she is with her mother.
(b) That she is no longer marrying Johnny.
(c) How much she loves her family.
(d) That she is going to marry Johnny.

4. To what can Grandma Kurnitz not listen?
(a) Gert consoling Bella.
(b) The boys helping Bella.
(c) Any more of Bella's foolishness.
(d) Any more of Louie's yelling.

5. How is Bella feeling about herself this moment?
(a) Completely unsure of herself.
(b) Angry at her mother.
(c) Excited.
(d) Very sure of herself.

6. How does Louie respond to this news?
(a) He laughs very loudly.
(b) He yells at Bella.
(c) Louie loudly expresses his opinion about the man's real intentions toward Bella.
(d) He calls Johnny to tell him to leave his sister alone.

7. What does Bella hope will happen?
(a) She and Grandma will never speak again.
(b) She and Grandma Kurnitz can talk things over.
(c) She can keep her job at the movie theatres.
(d) She can still marry Johnny.

8. What are the boys doing?
(a) Playing.
(b) Clearing dinner dishes and setting up chairs.
(c) Talking to their father on the phone.
(d) Doing schoolwork.

9. In spite of all their differences, what do each of the family members need?
(a) Food from the others.
(b) The support of the others.
(c) The suggestions of the others.
(d) Money from the others.

10. Why is Grandma verbally battling with Arty?
(a) She loves to argue.
(b) Arty enjoys complaining to Grandma.
(c) To force Arty to drink the horrible mustard soup.
(d) They do not agree over what to have for dinner.

11. From whom has Jay taken a phone message?
(a) His cousin in Denver.
(b) His father.
(c) Bella.
(d) The mysterious men who are looking for Louie.

12. Why does Louis share this with the boys?
(a) He wants the boys to know he is leaving in light of the phone message that Jay took.
(b) He knows they love anything sweet.
(c) The boys love to hear from their father.
(d) Grandma punished them with no dinner.

13. Why does Grandma Kurnitz tell Louie that he is required to stay for dinner?
(a) She enjoys being in control.
(b) She made a large amount of food.
(c) At Bella's request.
(d) She does not want him to leave.

14. What has Louie given her?
(a) A wedding gift.
(b) The $5,000 for the restaurant.
(c) A hug.
(d) A letter to give to her mother.

15. Who is mildly consoling?
(a) Louie.
(b) Arty.
(c) Jay.
(d) Gert.

Short Answer Questions

1. For whom is the basketball?

2. What happens as soon as Grandma leaves the room?

3. Where has Bella been staying?

4. What does she insist upon being?

5. Where is Eddie, while the boys wait for him?

(see the answer keys)

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