The Lost Daughters of China Test | Final Test - Easy

Karin Evans
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Daughters of China Test | Final Test - Easy

Karin Evans
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kelly dress up as for her second Halloween?
(a) A witch.
(b) A princess.
(c) A flower.
(d) A pumpkin.

2. What is Jeffrey's favorite lullaby called?
(a) "100 Grains of Rice."
(b) "The Little Swallow."
(c) "The Crane Song."
(d) "Around the Mulberry Tree."

3. What is the other name for this Chinese October holiday?
(a) Day of Reunion.
(b) Day of Remembrance.
(c) Day of Reckoning.
(d) Day of Forgiveness.

4. What common remark about adopted children from China is particularly frustrating to their parents?
(a) That they aren't their parents "real" children.
(b) That they all look the same.
(c) That they don't look like their parents.
(d) That they are lucky to have been rescued.

5. Where is it that all adopted Chinese babies must pass through?
(a) Shanghai.
(b) Beijing.
(c) Jiangmen.
(d) Guangzhou.

6. What phrase does Chinese professor Huang Banghan use to describe his hopes for adopted Chinese girls' journeys through the questions of their origins?
(a) "Smooth sailing."
(b) "Soft landing."
(c) "Safe passage."
(d) "Godspeed."

7. In what type of church is the tiger-costume event held?
(a) Lutheran.
(b) Episcopal.
(c) Catholic.
(d) Methodist.

8. Who writes that "A child's chromosomes are an irretrievably scrambled mishmash of its grandparents' chromosomes and so on..."?
(a) Richard Dawkins.
(b) Kahlil Gibran.
(c) Alex Haley.
(d) Jill Ker Conway.

9. Which of these things is ranked as least important in a national survey of parents of adopted Chinese children?
(a) Pride in the Chinese heritage.
(b) Being able to speak Chinese at home.
(c) Being friends with other Chinese children.
(d) Exposure to Chinese culture.

10. From what country are 2500 children adopted in China after World War II?
(a) Vietnam.
(b) China.
(c) Thailand.
(d) Japan.

11. What Chinese festival is held in October?
(a) Silkworm Festival.
(b) Harvest Festival.
(c) Festival of the Autumn Moon.
(d) Festival of the Dragon.

12. What is the name of the organization that sponsors the tiger-costume event and has chapters in all major U.S. cities?
(a) Families with Children from China.
(b) Helping Hands.
(c) Chinese Daughters.
(d) Adopted from China.

13. What is the term psychiatrists have given to the feeling of children who have no way to trace their biological history?
(a) Genealogical bewilderment.
(b) Genealogical depression.
(c) Genetic confusion.
(d) Genetic anxiety.

14. How many generations are in the genealogy May Wong sees?
(a) 45.
(b) 36.
(c) 23.
(d) 17.

15. Who is Zhang Shuyun?
(a) A Chinese orphanage caretaker.
(b) A Chinese filmmaker.
(c) A Chinese government official.
(d) A Chinese physician.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what surface is Kelly afraid, at first, to move?

2. Where is Karin when she has an epiphany about how unconditionally she loves her daughter?

3. What is it that Chinese people traditionally eat at this October festival?

4. For what magazine does Jill Smolowe, adoptive mother and writer, work?

5. With what does Kelly seem particularly fascinated?

(see the answer keys)

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