Long Way Down Test | Final Test - Medium

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Long Way Down Test | Final Test - Medium

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What would Shawn try to have Will remember about their dad as told in Chapter Five?
(a) Their dad making chocolate banana pancakes with whipped cream smiles in the morning.
(b) Their dad watching cartoons with them.
(c) Their dad wrestling with them.
(d) Their dad dad dressing up like Michael Jackson for Halloween and giving them rides in the elevator.

2. What does Frick say when Dani asks him about Riggs in Chapter Six?
(a) “What?” (282).
(b) “Oh yeah, I know him” (282).
(c) “Who?” (282).
(d) “Yeah, he shot Shawn as revenge for me” (282).

3. What does Will say to explain himself to Uncle Mark in Chapter Four?
(a) “The Rules are the rules” (173).
(b) “I just wanna do what’s right” (173).
(c) “I wanna take care of my brother” (173).
(d) “There’s no other option” (173).

4. Where did Will’s dad find the guy who had killed Uncle Mark?
(a) Selling drugs on Uncle Mike’s corner.
(b) At the bar.
(c) Crying at Uncle Mike’s grave.
(d) At the convenience store.

5. What had Will’s dad done after Uncle Mark was killed as told by Chapter Five?
(a) He had gone to kill Uncle Mark’s killer.
(b) He had tried to rebuild his family.
(c) He had cried at Uncle Mark’s funeral.
(d) He had thought about committing suicide.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the word “dad” feel like to Will in Chapter Five?

2. Who finishes the scene in Chapter Four?

3. How had Shawn known what had really happened to his and Will's dad?

4. Where had the guy from the Dark Suns stopped Shawn, as told in Chapter Six?

5. What happens to the smoke when the elevator door opens in Chapter Four?

Short Essay Questions

1. How had Shawn come to know how their dad had passed on as told in Chapter Five? How had Buck become for Shawn after Mikey Holloman had died?

2. What does Frick show to Will in Chapter Six? What do he and Buck say about what he shows Will?

3. In Chapter Four, what does Will remember when he realizes the guy who gets onto the elevator is Uncle Mark?

4. According to Chapter Six, what had happened when Frick tried to rob Buck? How had Shawn learned what had happened?

5. What is the script of the film Uncle Mark wants to make as described by Jessie in Chapter Four?

6. Who gets on the elevator in Chapter Five? What do the new person and Will do? How does Will feel?

7. When Will hears Buck talking about Shawn being upset in Chapter Six, who does Will think is the guy who bothered Shawn at the convenience store? What does Frick say when asked about Riggs?

8. What does Uncle Mark ask Will after Will finishes the scene in Chapter Four? What does Uncle Mark say in reply to Will’s response?

9. Who finishes the scene for Will in Chapter Four? What does Will feel when he echoes the ending?

10. How does Frick justify his killing Buck in Chapter Six? How do the other men in the elevator respond?

(see the answer keys)

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