The Lion in Winter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anthony Harvey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lion in Winter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anthony Harvey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The characters manipulate each other like what?
(a) Inhuman robots.
(b) Puppets on a string.
(c) Pieces on a chessboard.
(d) Each other's pets.

2. How does Eleanor reply when Richard asks again what she wants?
(a) She can get him the throne and Alais, but that she has to have the Aquitaine back to do it.
(b) She wants the throne all to herself.
(c) She wants no one to inherit the throne.
(d) She wants nothing to do with him.

3. As he starts to go, John asks Geoffrey to go with him, but Geoffrey stays. Why does he stay?
(a) Since John is no longer the favorite, he has no interest in serving him.
(b) He no longer trusts John, now that he is to have the crown.
(c) He wants to spend more time with his mother.
(d) Since John is the favorite, he wants nothing to do with him.

4. How does Henry respond when Eleanor asks him a question regarding the Vexin?
(a) It is quite beautiful.
(b) It is essential.
(c) It is trivial.
(d) It is of no use to him.

5. How does John respond when Henry asks John whether he has seen Philip?
(a) He yells at him.
(b) He does not answer.
(c) He leaves the room.
(d) He begins to cry.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what does Henry suggest Philip wait?

2. What does Henry suggest that the family start doing?

3. What does Henry announce?

4. What does Henry tell her when he sees her put this on?

5. What is Eleanor's response when Alais asks her what she said to convince him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Eleanor do once she realizes she now has an advantage?

2. How does Philip want to help John?

3. What does Richard do when Philip mentions their relationship to his father?

4. What does Henry say about Eleanor's smile? How does he respond when she asks whether he ever loved her?

5. How does Henry react to what Alais says he must do to his sons?

6. To what decision does Henry come regarding his sons?

7. Describe the conversation between Eleanor and Henry after everyone else leaves.

8. What would Alais like to see happen to Eleanor?

9. Why does Henry want Richard to have the crown?

10. What do the boys do when they believe they are trapped in the wine cellar?

(see the answer keys)

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